How Important is Coaching Really | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How Important is Coaching Really


The World Is Yours
Jun 19, 2004
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I see a lot of diffrent oppions on this board. Some people think a coach offers little importance and a HC is mroe of an addition to your team then the leader. Others feel a good maybe great HC is essential to winning and this should always be top priority. So i wanna see exactly how important coaching is to you guys.

Bill Bellichek is almost undisputebly the best coach in the game right now. So the question presented is: Purley hypothetically speaking, if Bellichek was for some reason able to be traded and the pats were willing, and we had not yet signed Saban what would you deem fair compensation to give them. I believe Jon Gruden was had for a 1st and a 2nd, maybe even 2 1st(forget exactly).

Personally i would give one 1st rounder.

I was going to do a poll, but theres way too many options to i dont kno how to do it still(i know pitiful.)
Coaching is THE single most important thing imo.. Just look at the remaining teams.. What do they all have in common? Superior coaching..

Coaching is what wins championship, rarely does superior talent overcome mediocre coaching to capture a title.. Barry Switzer.

Give the 2001 roster of the Patriots to Dave Wannestedt and they finish no better than 6-10.
SkapePhin said:
Coaching is THE single most important thing imo.. Just look at the remaining teams.. What do they all have in common? Superior coaching..

Coaching is what wins championship, rarely does superior talent overcome mediocre coaching to capture a title.. Barry Switzer.

Give the 2001 roster of the Patriots to Dave Wannestedt and they finish no better than 6-10.
You're so right, Skape!! When push comes to shove, excellent coaching is what moves a team forward!!
in the salary cap years coaching is the more important than ever. The talent level between the best and the worst team is closer than ever.
I see you all feel its very important. So now i ask, exactly how important. Would you give a mid round 1st pick for it? More or less?
Good coaching is the only way to spend a lot of money on a team that doesn't count against the cap; therefore it's the only way to overcome the parity the league creates with the salary cap.
I see you all feel its very important. So now i ask, exactly how important. Would you give a mid round 1st pick for it? More or less?

To get the best coach in the league i would pay two first rounders for it.

Look at our very own history. Shula cost us some draft picks right? We ended up with the winningest franchise in pro sports.

It's definitely worth it. Look at the final four left in the NFL this year. You could argue that these are the four best in the league. Jim Mora's a rookie coach, but he got that team to play together and play well.

Mora Jr.

Coaching is damn near everything IMO. Obviously you need to get good players, but talent is so even in the NFL no a days, the only real way to separate yourself in this league is your coaches and how they prepare your team to play.
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