How will the Dolphin teams be viewed in the Cam era | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How will the Dolphin teams be viewed in the Cam era

Which direction are the Dolphins headed under Cam

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May 16, 2007
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Just a general poll to see which direction Dol Fans see where the Dolphins are headed under the new Cam era? I asked this question because first we had the quick strike offense under Shula /Marinio but a pourus defense and no running game. Then along came Jimmy Johnson and it was all about defense it seemed. Dave W. took over got Ricky from the Saints and it was all about running and the same with Nick S also. So which of these catagories do you see Cam fitting into and why. Just going to give you 3 choices even though I guess everyone will want to say we are going to be well balanced but it never seems to really work out that way does it.
PS I gave you a 4th choice which I am sure will be the most popular one but go ahead and vote!
i am hoping that it will be balanced but the defense will win the games i think
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