I love how we're hated | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I love how we're hated


Football Guru
Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin
Halftime highlights on NFL on CBS showed every other teams highlights BUT Miamis'. All they said was, Miami over Cincinnati and Tannehill had a clean game. Then they went right to another team right away and showed highlights. It's so obvious that networks, sports channels etc. hate the Dolphins. It's really laughable.
Really? During our game half time they showed the highlights
I was watching nfl network wanting to see what they would say about our W. we were next up on the ticker for highlights....they then went to commercial...i waited through the drudge and then they came back and showed the NYG highlights and pushed us back another 45 seconds... i was too pissed so i just turned off the tv

we do get no respect and will not get any until we win more
I was watching nfl network wanting to see what they would say about our W. we were next up on the ticker for highlights....they then went to commercial...i waited through the drudge and then they came back and showed the NYG highlights and pushed us back another 45 seconds... i was too pissed so i just turned off the tv

we do get no respect and will not get any until we win more

You can access highlights on NFL.com if you want. You don't have to wait for them to say they'll talk about it and then don't.
I got home late, so I didn't get to see any complete show...But nobody mentioned the Dolphins.

I'm used to it.
They should be talking about how bad the refs were trying to mess us over.
Screw the media!!!

All I know is the Fins are not the worst team in the nfl anymore.

Keep winning games

Go Fins !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Halftime highlights on NFL on CBS showed every other teams highlights BUT Miamis'. All they said was, Miami over Cincinnati and Tannehill had a clean game. Then they went right to another team right away and showed highlights. It's so obvious that networks, sports channels etc. hate the Dolphins. It's really laughable.
This is true. Just watch nbc's night game halftime show n the Dolphins were the ONLY highlight that they didn't show. Whenever I miss the game I usually have to go online somewhere just to see the highlights. Rarely do I see any on sportscenter on the Dolphins
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