Jay Feeley on Moving the Chains just now | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Jay Feeley on Moving the Chains just now


Taste the Burn
Club Member
Nov 6, 2005
Reaction score
New Jersey
Just thought id post this. I tired to capture everything but he talks faster than I type so sorry if I missed a couple things.

*Everybody was very surpirsed and shocked about this JT thing.
*No player on the team had any inclination that this was going to happen and that JT wasnt going to show.
*They all want him to be there for OTA's. (Players and coaches)
*He is the leader of the team and they need him in the locker room from a leadership standpoint as well as on the field.
*Even the star players understand they have 14 OTA's during the offseason. There is a small window for practices and to get into shape from OTA's and to get ready for the season. If you dont show up you fall very far behind the rest of the NFL which is why the coaches want everyone there even though it is voluntary.
*Sparano and Parcells wants everyone in OTA's because they want the guys to feel the pressure that is on them.

The rest was speaking of the owners and the rookie salaries. Talking about giving the rookies a set amount of signing bonus along with an incentive laden contract and thats it. Say like 5 million in signing bonus.
I like the rookie suggestion.. Make 'em earn it. Problem is most of them won't.

As for the JT thing.. Just another soap opera that has become the Miami Dolphins. From a conditioning standpoint I have to fully agree with the new management. Wachting Taylor sucking wind on the sidelines last year during that Washington game will be something that will always define the 2007 season for me.
Jay Feely is correctumundo. how bout the fact that hes also getting paid by his employer 10 mill a year, wheres the loyalty in not doing everything you can to help your team while your getting paid by that team.

I think JT found out long ago that they wanted to get rid of him and hes trying not to be embarrassed
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