Juat watch... Jason Allen will be a Dolphin | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Juat watch... Jason Allen will be a Dolphin


May 17, 2004
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...whether or not we trade down and then pick him or just pick him at#16, Jason Allen will be a Dolphin. Saban, playing against him at LSU, knows what Allen can do (at least I hope).

This guy is an ELITE player, and if it weren't for his injury, U. Tennessee very well could've made a bowl game, and Allen would be a top 10 prospect no question. The guy can be a legitmate CB, but at the same time he's stout against the run. I truly believe he has the best instincts as a football player in this entire draft.

The only question regarding Allen is his injury. But, it's pretty hard to look at his combine numbers and say that he's not fully recovered.
I Want Jackson Or Greenway
Although I Know Cb Is A Bigger Need!!!
dude, the call of the day! He was a stud at Tenn. and will step in nicely as a Safety. As alluded to on ESPN the trend continues; Saban taking advanatage of his inside knowledge of the best SEC talent and of his past associations in the conference. brown last year and allen this year. Now let's go after a NT and a OL.
Nice one. Hope this hip injury the guys on 790TheTicket are talking about isnt too serious.
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