"Legs Could Win The Game!" | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"Legs Could Win The Game!"

-81- McMichael

Active Roster
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
St. Augie-Doggie
This will be a DEFINITIVE GAME for FIEDLER...... mark this down.

The Jets are almost sure to come in with seven or eight "in the box" to stop Ricky. Also, Norv's famous use of play-action is something Edward's has got to have been preparing for ALL WEEK! So with all that said, look for Fiedler to HAVE TO open it up through the air.

This is it folks! This IS the DEFINITIVE GAME for him. We will win on Fiedler's arm and on his legs (more on this in a bit). And Chambers, OG, Ward and McMichael (and Konrad and Edwards, too) must all have outstanding games. That is, NO MENTAL ERRORS. More than anything else, people, what has killed this team against the Jets is mental errors. That, and poor coaching/strategy.

And that's where I think Norv finally makes the difference. I simply can't imagine that he isn't preparing his offense for a stacked line intent on stopping Ricky (as if he were our ONLY weapon!). The Jets surely are thinking that Fiedler is our weakest link (but he's NOT!) and subsequently planning on unloading a full out assault on him. Be prepared to see lots of blitzing and a lot of d-linemen's hands up high trying to bat balls down.

And to counter all that...

I think that Norv's probably prepared Fiedler to be rolling out of the pocket on many plays WITH the option for Fiedler to run it himself. This is where I think that Fiedler's LEGS COULD WIN THE GAME. This is also where I think that those beautiful "little" dump pass plays to McMichael, Konrad, Williams and Edwards could do the most damage.

My gut instinct says that Norv's preparing a whole series of "set-up" plays that build on each other. For example, imagine that Fiedler burns the Jets on two or three plays by running it out of bounds. Once the Jets defense starts anticipating this they'll come straight at him quickly. That means that they'll let go of their coverage underneath. And that means BIG PLAYS for the players mentioned above.

I know that all this a just SPECULATION and I'm, certainly, no coach. But it does seem highly plausible. At least, I'd like to think that our coaching staff has been preparing OVERTIME for this one.

It really means that much. That much more than any other regular season game.

Here's my vote of confidence in JAY FIEDLER that he will step up this week and show the world that HIS GAME has arrived and his game KICKS ASS!!!

Go 'PHINS!!!
what if it pours out and passing isn't much of an option -- what do you do in that situation? The phins haven't been lighting up the skies with their passing attatck --- they are now a ball control team with passes mixed in -- they are ranked 1 below the jets in passing offense...just playing devils advocate
Travis Henry rushed for 140 yards against the Jets defense.

Ricky will get the ball plenty on Sunday.

My guess is by the 4th quarter, Ricky will have over 150 yards and Minor or Edwards will be spelling him.
We need to keep the ball away from the Jets. They have had trouble "getting off the field on 3rd downs" this season.

I look for the Fins to pound the ball more than at Indy and against Detroit.
Hey 85, here am I being the devil's advocate. We haven't been lighting up the sky because we haven't needed to. Now why don't you look up and see total offense where the phins rank compared to the Jets. If I am correct, we lead the league in red zone offense. The jets can't hang, and your bills wont be far behind.
I'm a jets fan 85 in the hall - Wesley Walker
Your total offense #'s are solid -- it is tough to judge against the Lions and Colts though -- The jets will be up for this game and it should be a solid game - i hope - if they stack the box and bring garnes up tp stop ricky our cover 2 crap Secondary will have to step up -- i just don't know if they are capable of doing it though. Could get ugly fast if we fall behind.
Originally posted by 85inthehall
what if it pours out and passing isn't much of an option -- what do you do in that situation? The phins haven't been lighting up the skies with their passing attatck --- they are now a ball control team with passes mixed in -- they are ranked 1 below the jets in passing offense...just playing devils advocate

I like the devil's advocate role you're playing. BUT the stat you used " ranked 1 spot below the Jets in passing offense" doesn't tell the complete story, because the Dolphins rank LAST in passing attempts with 22 pass attempts a game. That is far less than any other team in the NFL. Ricky has been running so well, that they don't have to go to the air. But if Fiedler ever has too, we have plenty of weapons and an intelligent off. coordinator w/an awesome playbook calling the plays to keep defenses second-guessing themselves.

Turner uses every weapon we have in so many different ways, it will be hard to shut down our offense completely. If they do key the run, the passing game will be WIDE OPEN for Ricky, Konrad, McMichael, Ward, Chambers, and Gasden. If I was a defensive coordinator scheming against these guys that has Turner calling the plays, I would be worried. :evil:
Good point Fin -- i noticed only 18 attempts against the colts...if the jets play a loose cover 2 like they have in the first 2 games it will be easy for fiedler to pass the ball underneath and over the middle...if they play 8 in the box and bring garnes up the middle should be tougher to get to but the outside will open up if they play soft...Cottreell has said he is cutting the defensive schemes in half from20 to 10 -- simplify the defense and stick to what works(i haven't seen anything work yet) - They should be more together and focused for this game---this will be the toughest of the 3 games they have had so far -- division game, all the streak talk, and a history of battles...mentally how will they ome out, will the running game click, will fiedler fall back into his mistake mode against the jets,...i am looking forward to my first game in miami
Originally posted by 85inthehall
...i am looking forward to my first game in miami

:D ahhhh don't rub it in. You're going to the Jets game. Lucky guy. I had big plans of going to at least two games this year. It would've been my first time going to Pro Player stadium, but my girlfriend graduated from Law School and I'm taking her on a 7 night cruise as part of her graduation gift. So I have to wait till next year to hit a couple of games in person, but I have DirecTV, so I'll never miss a game. :D Have a great time though, I'm sure you will. SUNDAY WILL BE A GREAT DAY! :cool:
I had to plan my trip to vegas around the season -- she wanted to go this weekend -- i boycotted and we went during the last week of preseason. Law School - teall her a Jets fan says Congrats!
Will you even get to watch the game? My gf doesn't undestand that all i am asking for is 1 day a week and that each game is life or death....I am hoping i can turn her into a football fan.
Hey 85, didn't notice you were a JITS fan. My most sincere condolences. Anyway, see if your local team has a football 101 for women going on. My wife went, caught a few balls, met the players and is psyched abotu football. She is even ready to be at the Pro at 9am for major tailgating. Can't wait, it gonna be great!!
Originally posted by 85inthehall
I had to plan my trip to vegas around the season -- she wanted to go this weekend -- i boycotted and we went during the last week of preseason. Law School - teall her a Jets fan says Congrats!
Will you even get to watch the game? My gf doesn't undestand that all i am asking for is 1 day a week and that each game is life or death....I am hoping i can turn her into a football fan.

My ex didn't understand (notice I said ex). She always use to make me feel guilty watching the game. I wasn't budging on my stance and she wasn't budging on hers. Like you said "I'm only asking for one day out of the week" but she wasn't a sports fan at all, so she would make remarks like calling herself a "football widow" :lol: . Too bad. You learn from your mistakes.

But my girlfriend now (the law school grad) we've been together for three years. She's not a football fan but she knew from the door how passionate I am with not only my Dolphins, but football itself. She's real cool with it. On Sundays, I hold football parties or my friends will have one, we all alternate weeks. She will either hang out and try to learn the sport, and other weeks she will do her own thing and hang out with some of the girls she graduated with. And the rest of the week is devoted to her (except for the two Monday night Dolphins game :lol: ) She's starting to come around with football a little, she even adopted a team (unfortunately she choose the Baltimore Ravens) only because she went to Johns Hopkins University before law school. I guess she wanted her own identity in the NFL :) . But when you compromise, the rest is icing on the cake. :D

Originally posted by MarinoFan
Hey 85, didn't notice you were a JITS fan. My most sincere condolences. Anyway, see if your local team has a football 101 for women going on. My wife went, caught a few balls, met the players and is psyched abotu football. She is even ready to be at the Pro at 9am for major tailgating. Can't wait, it gonna be great!!

Looks like you got a keeper there. Great pick! :D
The jets do the 101 and have a 201 also -- meet the wives and players -- i asked her about it she "Do you know what my nails cost?" So that was a no...she thinks me and my friend are nuts when he go to a 1pm game at 8am....especially when it is like 15 out.
we have a cool setup though
he has a new truck - we have a shades all and a bigger TV it's sweet!
Been a Jets fan since 82(damn mud bowl) when i was 7 - Wesley Walker married into the family so i have been die-hard -- that 51-45 game still makes me smile.
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