Lets Compare DG and LC and J. W. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Lets Compare DG and LC and J. W.


Reach for the Stars
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Club Member
May 23, 2002
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Lets see what we're really getting.

DLIndex | MIA Depth Chart
Int Int Fum FR FFL
Previous Years Tack Asst Sack
1996 Totals: 24 9 1.0
1997 Totals: 32 20 1.5
1998 Totals: 27 13 1.5
1999 Totals: 28 24 5.0
2000 Totals: 35 14 2.5
2001 Totals: 17 11 4.0 Hurt

DLIndex | CAR Depth Chart
Int Int Fum FR FFL
Previous Years Tack Asst Sack
1998 Totals: 20 3 3.0
1999 Totals: 31 10 1.0
2000 Totals: 10 5 2.0
2001 Totals: 26 10 0.5 Hurt

DLIndex | CAR Depth Chart
Int Int Fum FR FFL
Previous Years Tack Asst Sack
1997 Totals: 5 2 1.0 0
1998 Totals: 10 4 1.0
1999 Totals: 13 1 4.0
2000 Totals: 21 6 6.0
2001 Totals: 27 12 1.0

Looking at this DG is only a little better stats wise to LC, LC can get sacks according to this...Jay W. best sack season is only 2 years removed..and he'll get plenty of rest with R. B and D.B on the team. We don't look that back...Plus Larry Chester is younger than DG. that's a bonus by it's self.
Well Jay Williams specialty is holding up at the point of attack at LDE, and moving inside on passrush downs to DT.

Thats exactly what DG was supposed to do. So basically DG's release doesn't leave any holes, its just a downgrade in talent and salary. With that said, a Sam Adams signing right now wouldn't make any more sense than a Sam Adams signing before we let Daryl Gardener go. Think about it.
CK ParrotDude

Originally posted by ckparrothead
Well Jay Williams specialty is holding up at the point of attack at LDE, and moving inside on passrush downs to DT.

Thats exactly what DG was supposed to do. So basically DG's release doesn't leave any holes, its just a downgrade in talent and salary. With that said, a Sam Adams signing right now wouldn't make any more sense than a Sam Adams signing before we let Daryl Gardener go. Think about it.

What you say makes good sense...

I'd still like to have him on the team though... he makes great beer! :happydrin :lol:

Sorry... I just couldn't resist... :goof:
Hey I still want Sammy on the team too. Its just too bad we couldn't find a way to do it without bending (or outright breaking) Larry Chester's nose a bit. The jags just screwed over Bobby Shaw...he took a lot less money to play for the Jags because they gave him the starting job. And now, they just did the same thing with Darnay Scott...got him to take less by handing him the starting job.

Basically if we signed Sam Adams it'd be the same thing with Larry Chester because even the DG release and Jay Williams trade hasn't changed the rotation, just the personnel. It would just be a flat out "we changed our mind" deal.
With bowens getting older and chester recupping from a serious broken leg I think adams (if he was willing to settle for vetren min or close ) would be a very smart move at this point ...not to mention the fact that its a TEAM sport ..a rotation of adams bowens and chester could be devastating ...bent noses? this guy hasnt played a down yet and i heard he wasnt physically able to go at the minis...if chester is gonna be a selfish player ,why did we let go of gardener? Im really praying for the young guys to step up and add the depth we need but in the meantime i say keep adams on the radar screen ...at the right price.
Originally posted by badfoot
With bowens getting older and chester recupping from a serious broken leg I think adams (if he was willing to settle for vetren min or close ) would be a very smart move at this point ...not to mention the fact that its a TEAM sport ..a rotation of adams bowens and chester could be devastating ...bent noses? this guy hasnt played a down yet and i heard he wasnt physically able to go at the minis...if chester is gonna be a selfish player ,why did we let go of gardener? Im really praying for the young guys to step up and add the depth we need but in the meantime i say keep adams on the radar screen ...at the right price.

If I remember correctly Chester did go at the last mini camp...I think the coaches didn't let him do a lot as a precautionary measure...But my understanding is he's ready to go for TC.
I think that Burnett is better than Jay Williams. Jay Williams (the football version) isn't even the best sports player with the name Jay Williams.
It doesn't seem likely that they'll sign Adams since they seem to have a higher priority right now at fullback:o
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