Loved this response to our QB situation | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Loved this response to our QB situation


Reach for the Stars
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May 23, 2002
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Particularly the following:

"The task looks difficult and the recent shuffling of the offensive staff doesn't help, but I'm still not entirely convinced the Dolphins won't be able to put at least an efficient starter on the field in Fiedler or Feeley. Garcia, Collins and Warner are different names, but different doesn't automatically mean better. "

the story is toward the bottom of the page.

Ask Vic: Garcia's exit and Saints' assets
Lets give A.J. time to close the gap on Jay to make it a equal playing field, game two or three of preseason, then lets see what we got!!!!
i think feeley will go in as our starter...they are gonna have to at least try him out and see what he does, even if fiedler ends up coming out slightly better, i think because we need and want change and because of what we gave up for him, it would be hard to NOT try and see what feeley has to offer us
I agree wholeheartedly. LIke I said before if AJ struggles continue after teh 4th preseason game then I worry, but until then, I will look to see is he grasping the offense and teh terminology better each time out and so far so good. I have also said teh same as teh article, if these guys are sure fire guarenteed good qbs, why are they available and how come there has been minimal interest? Let it play out, Feeley may choke or he may prove Rick is a good evaluator of talent. He needs to have a chance to prove it.
Those of you who aren't from Buffalo have no idea how remarkable that response was. Vic Carucci wrote for the Buffalo News for years and was always anti-Miami.

He used to trash Marino regularly. I couldn't stand the guy.
I think Brad Johnson would probably be a better quarterback for the Dolphins this year than Fiedler or Feeley will be...lets hope Feeley pans out, its just that I expect the man to go through some serious growing pains and our margin for error has not been very big in the past so I doubt it will be big this time.
FinfanInBuffalo said:
Those of you who aren't from Buffalo have no idea how remarkable that response was. Vic Carucci wrote for the Buffalo News for years and was always anti-Miami.

He used to trash Marino regularly. I couldn't stand the guy.

:woot: Very, VERY reassuring!
The jury is still out on Feeley, I hope his learning curve is manageable and when Fiedler is healthy he provides a solid if unspectacular QB. When he is knicked however............................. Since he gets knicked every year we need to have Feeley get ready to go.
ckparrothead said:
I think Brad Johnson would probably be a better quarterback for the Dolphins this year than Fiedler or Feeley will be...lets hope Feeley pans out, its just that I expect the man to go through some serious growing pains and our margin for error has not been very big in the past so I doubt it will be big this time.

Unfortunately like many of these other QB's who will be let go in June, learning our O will take some time and they will only have a month and a half. That makes us very one dimenional at best or very ineffective for the first part of the year. I'd say stay the course and don't blink, just because teams are letting go their starters, and for some reason, we just other people's trash. If these QB's were so great, do you really think these teams would let them go? Even if we think they're a little better than what we have, not knowing our O will actually make them less effective than what we have. I say let the young gun have a go.
There's nothing wrong with starting QB J. Fiedler in 2004. He knows this offense inside and out, and has a clear advantage over Feeley in those regards. I think Feeley will emerge once TC starts, but I don't expect him to be starting on opening day....

I'm satisfied with what I've seen from Fiedler this off-season. He's looking better than he ever has IMO, and now he's got some really talent around him with the addition of WR D. Boston and a new OL....

I'm looking for AJ Feeley to take over in 2005. Trading for him was a smart decision IMO. All of the other QB's who have come and gone this off-season were all old, and for the most part, at the end of their ropes. AJ has serious upside IMO, and could eventually emerge as the best QB we've had since the Danny days....

I'm willing to wait for Feeley. He's still just a kid, and once he gets more comfortable at the NFL level, he'll break through in shining fashion.... :D

PHINZ RULE!!! :fire:
You know having two servicable Q.B.s could be a good thing. Remember Woodley and Strock? Didn't we go to a Super Bowl with both of those guys sharing time at the position? And remember the '81 playoff against the Chargers? I know we lost that game, but remember the comeback? So in short having a two-headed Monster might be a bad thing.
I guess teh question is such that you need to ask yourself this question, - If these qbs are so good, why were they cut? Not traded, but cut? Could you ever imagine Marino, Elway, Montana, Favre being cut? In their prime? Great qbs are not cut. Qbs that teams feel can win with are not let go,especially affordable qbs. average/good qbs are cut. Some believe Jay is mediocre, well he is average IMO. He is not great and never will be. Feeley has alot of potential, no proven baggage, only inuendos and speculations. He is the unknown, but sometimes the unknown is better than the known if teh known comes with his own "handle with care" instructions.
I'm satisfied with what I've seen from Fiedler this off-season. He's looking better than he ever has IMO, and now he's got some really talent around him with the addition of WR D. Boston and a new OL....

PHINZ RULE!!! :fire:

You're kidding, right?
What magical pill is out there that is going to make Fiedler's arms suddenly stronger, more accurate, and give him the sudden vision to spot and time the open receiver?
And you say "NOW he has talent around him"? Ummm....not for nothing, but there's been enough talent on this team for us to go all the way if we had even a mediocre QB the past two years. Rickey, McMichael, Chambers, Konrad, they've BEEN here....waiting for a QB.

Fiedler is SO not the answer. I really hope AJ works out, I have no idea if he will or not, but there is one thing I think we all know....Jay is back-up talent only.
Hey AJ, your right about CC MCMike et al, but two things youve been missing that contributes greatly to teh success of the qb, o-line and #2 wr. Now I believe that AJ is the better qb based on skills and the mental aptitude he has shown based on all that I have read. But that doent mean he is actually better or will actually show it. Jay is physically limited and that is why I believ a change is needed. But if teh o-line improves greatly and Boston produces equal to teh # of catches he did last year, Jay can be successful if he stays healthy.
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