Merged: Cops Report: T.O. tried to commit suicide | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Cops Report: T.O. tried to commit suicide

go_fins said:
That's sad, goes to show that these things can happen to anyone. If this is true, I really hope for him and his family that he seeks professional help and gets better.

I agree. If he really tried suicide, I truely hope he can overcome this and get help and recover from this.
T.O. tried to commit sucide?

he swallowed 35 pills....this according to nfl network....
New Update


790 THE TICKET is reporting that TO took 35 pills out of 40 in the bottle. And when the police asked him if he was trying to hurt himself....TO replied with a "YES!"

WOW!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:
T.O. tried to commit suIcide?

Saw it on nfl network...ate 35 pills.........
I never liked T.O. but I'm sorry to hear that he is depressed enough to make an attempt of his own life. :(
Gotta agree. I hope people don't make a circus out of someone else's misfortune. If he is indeed suicidal, he needs sympathy and not ridicule.
Would anyone else cry if TO died? I would, he is a great athelte, very entertaining.
More proof that money doesn't equal happiness. I feel bad about anyone who suffers from depression.
FinsFan71 said:
790 The Ticket is saying that TO has been released from the hospital...(unconfirmed report)

Here's the new stuff coming out...apparently he overdosed on just 5 painkillers....strange story

And its getting stranger by the second....

I think your misreading it, what I gather is that before he attempted to take his life he had only taken five pills out of the 40 in the bottle meaning he took 35 in trying to kill himself.
i thought ricky williams retiring was out of the blue this was a real shocker to me
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