MERGED8x-Who do we root for Kansas City or Denver? | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED8x-Who do we root for Kansas City or Denver?

I don't think it mattered that much who won this one.....we just have to try and focus on winning out and going 10-6....can't worry too much what everyone else might do. 10-6 might not get you in the playoffs in the AFC...if we were in the NFC we would be right in the thick of things. As Salisbury said on ESPN, we put ourselves in too much of a hole at 1-6. :rolleyes:
Roman529 said:
I don't think it mattered that much who won this one.....we just have to try and focus on winning out and going 10-6....can't worry too much what everyone else might do. 10-6 might not get you in the playoffs in the AFC...if we were in the NFC we would be right in the thick of things. As Salisbury said on ESPN, we put ourselves in too much of a hole at 1-6. :rolleyes:
Don't ever listen to Salisbury. 5 bucks says that if we win out, Salisbury will be sucking fin blowhole.
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