Mortensen: Manning will not let Colts draft Luck | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Mortensen: Manning will not let Colts draft Luck


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Mar 13, 2006
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Chris Mortensen just said that Peyton Manning will not allow the drafting of Andrew Luck in Indianapolis and will demand to be traded or released if that happens. Phil Simms also said there is no way Peyton Manning will want to mentor Luck and he doesn't want him on the Colts roster.
Manning won't let it happen.

Andrew doesn't want to play for any "Suck for Luck" fans.

He's going back to school.

I feel bad for this kid. If his last name didn't conveniently rhyme with "SUCK" then the media wouldn't have been capable of blowing all of this **** up the way they have. If I'm Andrew Luck I take my architect degree or whatever the hell he's earning and I build a ****ing shelter for myself.

Jesus Christ.
Unless his alternative name is Bill Polian, granting permission to draft Luck or anyone else is not within his power. Beyond that, Archie and Oliver were teammates and friends and Peyton advised Andrew on going back to school and is presently mentoring him. It's far from an adversarial relationship.
Unless his alternative name is Bill Polian, granting permission to draft Luck or anyone else is not within his power. Beyond that, Archie and Oliver were teammates and friends and Peyton advised Andrew on going back to school and is presently mentoring him. It's far from an adversarial relationship.

Polian's power may diminish and Mort said Peyton firmly believes that franchise quarterbacks need to start from day one and was upset that the Giants didn't play Eli sooner.
Peyton has been advising Andrew Luck for a while now.

Strictly a business decision on Peyton's part if he feels like he can still play, it's not personal.
Did Peyton Manning actually say any of this?

Why is everyone assuming everything?
Well Peyton Manning is not Jon Kitna, Pennington, or any other journeyman quarterback that had better potential sitting behind them. He's a MVP/franchise caliber quarterback. He won't lose his job to Andrew Luck in another 4 years or so. And that's why the Colts may trade him, and I hope we're the ones that get him if we don't get Luck.
i was listening to wfan mike francesa today, and he was basically saying the same thing. However, it seems a bit strange.

first of all, did peyton actually come out and say this, or is this speculation? im pretty sure right now its speculation and nothing else. until peyton actually says it, its a non issue.

secondly, as people have mentioned, it seems a bit weird because its not like their is any adversity between the mannings and lucks, and they are even friends. If anything, luck would be the one saying he does not want to go to indy because he wants to start right away, not manning saying he does not want luck, especially if they wont force manning out until he is ready to retire.

just like mike francesa was saying today about this, morts story is most likely just speculation, not actual quotes from peyton himself.
Well Peyton Manning is not Jon Kitna, Pennington, or any other journeyman quarterback that had better potential sitting behind them. He's a MVP/franchise caliber quarterback. He won't lose his job to Andrew Luck in another 4 years or so. And that's why the Colts may trade him, and I hope we're the ones that get him if we don't get Luck.

Exactly. Andrew Luck will be a useless player for them for at least 3 years and will have a heavy contract. Aaron Rodgers was drafted much later in the first round and came out of nowhere.
Let me clarify my post, I meant the Colts should trade Peyton or release him, and I hope we're the ones who get Peyton + draft Barkley/Jones to sit behind him IF and only IF we don't have a shot at Andrew Luck.
I want Andrew Luck lol.

Last thing I want to see is Indianapolis get Andrew Luck, we end up with Barkley or Jones...and it's us and the Colts every year in the playoffs and Andrew Luck is shredding us.

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