*OFFICIAL* Rose Bowl Thread | Page 89 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

*OFFICIAL* Rose Bowl Thread

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unifiedtheory said:
I have never been so STUNNED my whole life.


USC had them....and lost it.

I'll own up...congrats to Texas fans and congrats to Vince Young. He had the game of his life today in the biggest moment.

Wow.....just wow.

AggieFin21 said:
Game is over, Texas wins it. Congradulations and all but know you did it with 6 extra points...

maaan you cant say that, who knows what would have happened on that drive anyway... they were driving at will, they could have scored anyway, or they could have lost... you dont know, you can make excuses all you want, but texas did what they had to do...
SCall13 said:
Pete Carol can thank himself for not punting. WHat a moron!

Nah, that was the right call. Texas couldn't stop LenDale. He gets that first, game over.
Great game even though I hate Texas for beating my CU Buffs 70-3 a while back.

"We were the better team, they just made some plays at the end."-Leinart. What a classless A-Hole!
Has to be the best game of football I have ever seen. Really a shame it had to end. Props to Young, what an incredible game he had.
PressCoverage said:
it's interesting how some people will just take an opinion to the end of the earth, instead of just admitting being wrong...
lol, wrong about what? nothing he did tonight improves his stock as an NFL quarterback. NOTHING
Leinart goes out the same way Dorsey did. 34 game winning streak, 2 career losses, heart breaking loss in the NC game.
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