Owens Dancing | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Owens Dancing


Practice Squad
Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
Does Anyone Have A File Of Terrell Owens Dancing Like Ray Lewis
I Know It Was Hilarious Can Anyone Find The File For Me Im At Work Or I Would Find It Myself Lol
Man that was crazy, You'd think it had to have gotten under Ray Lewis' skin...maybe even all the Ravens D, and the worst part about it is that they could do nothing about it...man, as much as I hate T.O., I must admire all his taunting, he makes the game that much more funner...I would have like to see him do that at Ravens staduim though, in front of all the Ravens fans.
i saw this but its tiny
Did you all see the previous game where he ripped down one of the fans signs that sad something bad about Owens. He scored a TD then saw the sign and ripped it off the endzone wall. I was like :eek:
Ross said:
TO is a selfish bastard. He ignored his own team-mates to do that childish ****.

No class, The league needs less TO's and more marvin harrisons....


You are way too conservative...

T.O brings a little excitement to the game, he scored the winning TD against a team that called him out. Let him do his thing. I thought it was great. :)

Oh did you guys see the game where he ripped down the posters!?

The funny part is the O-lineman just kind of gawking at him. Looks like they were in practice and not just scored a t-down.
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