Pre Season games on DirecTv? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Pre Season games on DirecTv?


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Mar 12, 2003
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I have Directv now. I have seen it posted on here before that the pre-season games are going to be televised. Do I need to buy the Sunday Ticket in order to see these or will they be shown on the NFL Network? Does anyone know the viewing schedule for the Phins pre-season games and scrimmages?

I have the HD directv box so it doesn't have DVR. Does anyone know how or if I can set my VCR to record things off of the satelite box?

I'm a tech kinda guy but this sattelite thing gets a little confusing.
I'm pretty sure the preseason games will all be on NFL network, except most of them won't be aired live.

As for the VCR thing, they do now have HD-TIVOS, thats the only way i could think of recording them.
Maybe if you had a fancy VCR or something you could set the time and date. :D
True Soliders

Hello FinFans,
This is the very first time i have jumped into this forum. Altho i get online and read the discussions every single day, and must say i totally enjoy the discussions. I have been a Dolphin fan since 1970, and have like most of you been thru the ups and downs of a season. It's a thrill every year to watch our team and to always hope for the best.
What i wanted to write about is this quote about "True Soliders". I first started reading about it sometime back and i didn't like it the first time i read it and i still don't. I am a Viet-nam Veteran, who served 14 months overseas.
I recieved 2 purple hearts and 2 bronze stars for valor. I am not bragging i am just letting you know that i think i know what i am talking about.
A True Solider doesn't jump on a grenade to save his fellow buddies, Jumping on a grenade is instinct. Thru my experiences it happens very seldom, and the main reason that is Is that every solider wants to come home. when a grenade is thrown in your area you don't have time to think "I will jump on that grenade to save my fellow soliders", you react! Everything about real combact is reaction Oh i am sure that there have been times when someone has jumped on a grenade to save his fellow soliders but i would think that is very seldom. I think that most of the time that would happen is when everyone is scrambling sometimes someone goes the wrong way or is tripped up by moving to fast to get out of the way. There are alot of Hero's in combact situtations you can believe this. But i just don't think too many of them are from situtations where a solider jumps on a grenade.
I am not saying that the person who uses this as his quote is stupid or anything like that, what i am saying is I don't think this person has ever been in combact and he just likes this quote, from probley something he read.
Now that we are at war in Iraq, I am sure there are many hero's almost every day. In combact you do things that most people wouldn't believe a person would do. You don't do it for medals you do it from Instinct...
I have Directv now. I have seen it posted on here before that the pre-season games are going to be televised. Do I need to buy the Sunday Ticket in order to see these or will they be shown on the NFL Network? Does anyone know the viewing schedule for the Phins pre-season games and scrimmages?

I have the HD directv box so it doesn't have DVR. Does anyone know how or if I can set my VCR to record things off of the satelite box?

I'm a tech kinda guy but this sattelite thing gets a little confusing.
I record most of the dolphins games off my high definition satellite onto a DVD recorder, but it probably works pretty similarly with a VCR. Unless you have HD-TIVO, you'll have to convert your HD signal output on your satellite box to non-HD (manual tells you how), then you can record the games in non-HD.

As for "hellsapoppin", where is this rant coming from? and why is it under this heading?
I have Directv now. I have seen it posted on here before that the pre-season games are going to be televised. Do I need to buy the Sunday Ticket in order to see these or will they be shown on the NFL Network? Does anyone know the viewing schedule for the Phins pre-season games and scrimmages?

I have the HD directv box so it doesn't have DVR. Does anyone know how or if I can set my VCR to record things off of the satelite box?

I'm a tech kinda guy but this sattelite thing gets a little confusing.
You can record anything you view on satellite with your VCR, but be warned... you are taping whatever you are currently watching. That means if you change the channel, press the info button, etc., that is exactly what you are taping.

So, for example, if your favorite team (the Dolphins, of course) is playing at 4pm, and you can't be there to watch it, just tune your receiver to the channel it will be on, set the VCR to record off of your input source at 4PM, and you're done. Make sure you don't put in a 2 hour tape and set it at SP, though, or your game will get cut off. You have to either buy the longer play tapes or lower the recording quality.

To set up your VCR: Assuming you have a fairly recent sat. receiver and VCR, you should have an extra set of RCA output jacks on your receiver and RCA input jacks on your VCR. Plug the three wires in (red and white - audio, yellow - video), and you're set!

Trust me, though, it's a lot nicer to use a DVR.
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Hellsapoppin said:
Hello FinFans,
This is the very first time i have jumped into this forum. Altho i get online and read the discussions every single day, and must say i totally enjoy the discussions. I have been a Dolphin fan since 1970, and have like most of you been thru the ups and downs of a season. It's a thrill every year to watch our team and to always hope for the best.
What i wanted to write about is this quote about "True Soliders". I first started reading about it sometime back and i didn't like it the first time i read it and i still don't. I am a Viet-nam Veteran, who served 14 months overseas.
I recieved 2 purple hearts and 2 bronze stars for valor. I am not bragging i am just letting you know that i think i know what i am talking about.
A True Solider doesn't jump on a grenade to save his fellow buddies, Jumping on a grenade is instinct. Thru my experiences it happens very seldom, and the main reason that is Is that every solider wants to come home. when a grenade is thrown in your area you don't have time to think "I will jump on that grenade to save my fellow soliders", you react! Everything about real combact is reaction Oh i am sure that there have been times when someone has jumped on a grenade to save his fellow soliders but i would think that is very seldom. I think that most of the time that would happen is when everyone is scrambling sometimes someone goes the wrong way or is tripped up by moving to fast to get out of the way. There are alot of Hero's in combact situtations you can believe this. But i just don't think too many of them are from situtations where a solider jumps on a grenade.
I am not saying that the person who uses this as his quote is stupid or anything like that, what i am saying is I don't think this person has ever been in combact and he just likes this quote, from probley something he read.
Now that we are at war in Iraq, I am sure there are many hero's almost every day. In combact you do things that most people wouldn't believe a person would do. You don't do it for medals you do it from Instinct...

Sir, I have been in combat situations before and I do know what a true soldier is. This isn't all inclusive, however to say that a soldier who does such a thing to save his fellow mates isn't deserving of some recoginition?

BTW, if you have problems with my signature and feel the need to explain something which IMO is wayyyyyy off topic, I'd suggest you PM don't KNOW me and that in itself kinda pisses me off.
NJ_Fin_Fan said:
You can record anything you view on satellite with your VCR, but be warned... you are taping whatever you are currently watching. That means if you change the channel, press the info button, etc., that is exactly what you are taping.

So, for example, if your favorite team (the Dolphins, of course) is playing at 4pm, and you can't be there to watch it, just tune your receiver to the channel it will be on, set the VCR to record off of your input source at 4PM, and you're done. Make sure you don't put in a 2 hour tape and set it at SP, though, or your game will get cut off. You have to either buy the longer play tapes or lower the recording quality.

To set up your VCR: Assuming you have a fairly recent sat. receiver and VCR, you should have an extra set of RCA output jacks on your receiver and RCA input jacks on your VCR. Plug the three wires in (red and white - audio, yellow - video), and you're set!

Trust me, though, it's a lot nicer to use a DVR.
Hey NJFinFan, or anybody else here, is it possible yet to record from a DVR to a DVD recorder? Kind of waiting for that technology before I get the DVR.
Hellsapoppin said:
Hello FinFans,
What i wanted to write about is this quote about "True Soliders". I first started reading about it sometime back and i didn't like it the first time i read it and i still don't. I am a Viet-nam Veteran, who served 14 months overseas.
I recieved 2 purple hearts and 2 bronze stars for valor. I am not bragging i am just letting you know that i think i know what i am talking about.
A True Solider doesn't jump on a grenade to save his fellow buddies, Jumping on a grenade is instinct. Thru my experiences it happens very seldom, and the main reason that is Is that every solider wants to come home. when a grenade is thrown in your area you don't have time to think "I will jump on that grenade to save my fellow soliders", you react! Everything about real combact is reaction Oh i am sure that there have been times when someone has jumped on a grenade to save his fellow soliders but i would think that is very seldom. I think that most of the time that would happen is when everyone is scrambling sometimes someone goes the wrong way or is tripped up by moving to fast to get out of the way. There are alot of Hero's in combact situtations you can believe this. But i just don't think too many of them are from situtations where a solider jumps on a grenade.
I am not saying that the person who uses this as his quote is stupid or anything like that, what i am saying is I don't think this person has ever been in combact and he just likes this quote, from probley something he read.
Now that we are at war in Iraq, I am sure there are many hero's almost every day. In combact you do things that most people wouldn't believe a person would do. You don't do it for medals you do it from Instinct...

Hey Hells,

That is so f-ing :topic: I think you should go back to lurking :lurk: I can't believe that you finally felt the need to post on this site for that. Don't turn my thread into your soap box again!
Ohio Fanatic said:
Hey NJFinFan, or anybody else here, is it possible yet to record from a DVR to a DVD recorder? Kind of waiting for that technology before I get the DVR.

Is it possible to buy a tivo or DVR seperate and hook it up to the satelite reciever? Or, are they meant for just cable?
I know but I already bought a HD reciever without a tivo or DVR. Can't I still get one and let it work off of satelite?
I know but I already bought a HD reciever without a tivo or DVR. Can't I still get one and let it work off of satelite?

My advice, Sell the HD receiver on Ebay, buy an HD-TIVO
Does anyone kno if Sunshine Netowrk will be able to show some, whether live or not?
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