Ricky wants to be a Raider...yuk | Page 8 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ricky wants to be a Raider...yuk

CirclingWagons said:
"Head-to-heads matter"...ummm, according to YOU. I will bash your team all i want, regardless of whether they beat mine or not, because they haven't done ****. Your like every other Dolphin fan who has a "mistaken glory gland" in their brain where they actually think going 10-6 and sweeping a rival(despite missing the playoffs) earns you a trophy. Sorry nancy, but until your team actually goes somewhere, I will bash it.

"Now bow-down when you come to our town"...omg, not a Westside Connection quote! :eek: ..I'm f*cking scared now. :egads:

HAhaah continue talking ish to fans of a team that owns you? Hahahah wow you really are a derranged football fan. The type that other Bills fans prolly cringe at and wish you'd just shut up before you make the rest look bad....Bash all you want.........everyone just laughs at you because you try to bash a team you couldn't compete with last year.

Here..........check this out...........

2-0, Swept!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TorontoFin said:
I'm and hour from Buffalo, across the border, and believe me, about 1/3rd of all of ralf Wilson are Toronto Bills/NFL fans. Why do you think the Bills are aginst a Toronto franchise. what a joke of a town. No wonder half their players live in Toronto.
No wonder half their players live in Toronto. :roflmao: Priceless
csabe said:
Yeah, thats what happens when you havean actual beach near where your team is and a nice place to live and play. There is a gazillion things to do in S. florida. There is only one thing to do in buffal. Sit around on your fat a$$ and write 7,000 posts on a DOLPHINS message board. Your being here is nothing more than you ststing the fact of your blatant jealousy. What a town with no snow up to our roffs looks like. I bet you even come down for vacation to see what a wonderful world that is? LOL
I just moved from Miami...lived their 13 years...good one jack-*** :goof:

Sorry, you'd have to be on crack to be jealous of a team who hasn't made the big game in 20 years. and as far as being on this board, i like an opposing view better than a wankfest of "our team is so good, blah-blah-blah."
If Toronto ever got a team, the Bills would lose their team in five years.
CirclingWagons said:
I just moved from Miami...lived their 13 years...good one jack-*** :goof:

Sorry, you'd have to be on crack to be jealous of a team who hasn't made the big game in 20 years. and as far as being on this board, i like an opposing view better than a wankfest of "our team is so good, blah-blah-blah."

enigmatics said:
HAhaah continue talking ish to fans of a team that owns you? Hahahah wow you really are a derranged football fan. The type that other Bills fans prolly cringe at and wish you'd just shut up before you make the rest look bad....Bash all you want.........everyone just laughs at you because you try to bash a team you couldn't compete with last year.

Here..........check this out...........

2-0, Swept!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
first, answer me this question: How can a team you "own" have 4 sb trips since your last one?
CirclingWagons said:
I just moved from Miami...lived their 13 years...good one jack-*** :goof:

Sorry, you'd have to be on crack to be jealous of a team who hasn't made the big game in 20 years. and as far as being on this board, i like an opposing view better than a wankfest of "our team is so good, blah-blah-blah."
Welcome to the neighborhood, not! Nice excuse for being here all day on our board but the fact is you guys haven't won anything either, and Buffalo is a dreadful place to live. I don't think we have the best team and am a realist. This team is a .500 team but yours is no better and that is sad. We just lost maybe our best player and we are still as good as you. Speaks volumes!!!
csabe said:
Yeah right, we would just hold him hostage...just like the Lions did with Barry Sanders. so it is a buyers market? Who hold the chips? We do and we won't let him go without compensation, FACT!
Exactly ! I would rather get nothing and make Ricky suffer if he wants to come back and play with the Raiders, before I would give in to his pot smoking @ss and let him get his way and screw us again ! Let him sit and earn Nothing ! We have the cards, we say what we get, or he sits, plain and simple !
Another thing. Going to a Super bowl is NOT winning one. Big difference just to clear that up!! Weather you went to 4 in a row or one it doesn't matter cause you guys blew it every time.
CirclingWagons said:
You're out of material. Stick with the one word answers because the more you type the dumber you look

Nah..............the epitomy of stupidity is bashing a team you couldn't win against last year. Keep tryin' buddy.........
And another thing, this B.S. about Cali being the only plcae that will accept his "unconventional style" and weirdness. Now I don't know what the barameter Ricky uses to measure weirdess is, but South Beach isn't exactly a F'ing black tie, wine and cheese, sort of atmosphere, now is it??
csabe said:
Another thing. Going to a Super bowl is NOT winning one. Big difference just to clear that up!! Weather you went to 4 in a row or one it doesn't amtter cause you guys blew it every time.

Evidently "CirclingStories" recieved a ring for losing 4 straight SB's...........
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