"sky is falling" | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"sky is falling"


Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
West Palm Beach
What a huge win today. Today's win was so freaking BIG! We haven't beat a team like this, on the road no less, in a long time. We finally beat someone where we weren't favored, by anybody but us, and stuck it to em. our offense went against, hands down, the best defensive front in the NFL. Feels great to have pulled it off. Anyways, I guess I knew when I came on here there'd still be those who will nitpick our win. Some news for you...we won, enjoy the V! No, Henne isn't Marino yet,maybe won't be, our rb's couldn't hang on to the ball in some critical moments, Vontae IS a stud, and Jason Allen had the day of his career, but... some of ya'll still *****! Henne is progressing, soon they''ll open up the playbook for him, but today we needed to play ball control, if only to keep Favre beans off the field. We are in 1st, probably top 3 D in league, and will only get better w/ time. Chill!!!!
You know.. there are times i just lie... lie in the grass. As I watch the clouds pass, sometimes I get vertigo in vast expanse of sky and space.

Sometimes it feels like it's falling.

Then I wake up.
Since Min had 11 more minutes of possession, I guess keeping Favre off the field didn't work so well...LOL Actually Favre on the field was Miami's best offense.
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