Some Dope Wants Saban Fired Already | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Some Dope Wants Saban Fired Already

I wanted to climb through the internet and strangle him at his computer. The main board in now busting at the seems of uninformed young morons.

Isn't it just. 99.9% of them are dopes.
The main board in now busting at the seems of uninformed young morons.
I often think the same. I'm pretty well informed on the happenings of the NFL and stuff of that nature, and if i've EVER posted a thread i've done so knowing what i'm doing or asking a question. I'll never post a no-mind thread just to look important, half the time it just belittles these members status....of course some of them don't give a rats @$$ anyway. :lol:
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