"Source" .... useful or not? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"Source" .... useful or not?


Onion Fetish
Club Member
Dec 11, 2001
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Ok, seriously i've had it up to here with articles, twitter, facebook and formerally reputable news organizations, taking the cowards way out and citing "sources" as thier way of putting news out there that a.) is usually just speculation, and b.) seems to be averaging less than a 50/50 accuracy. Should we damand more from our news outlets? Should they be held accountable in more than just reputation? If its just speculation shouldn't they just say so? I know there would be a lot less news if we required news organiztions and social media "heros" like incarcerated bob to actually name thier sources, but maybe its time to demand more?

I have this in the dolphins section, because quite frankly we've been burnt and had our hopes and dreams dashed so often the last couple years, and emotions burnt because of these "source" guys.
You can tell based on Fishers press conference when he was hired by the Rams that everything the different sources had to say was pure misinformation probably coming from Fisher and his agent.

McCoy spoke for himself about his dealings but there were a number of stories based on 'Ross associates' that I found the most disturbing.
Ok, seriously i've had it up to here with articles, twitter, facebook and formerally reputable news organizations, taking the cowards way out and citing "sources" as thier way of putting news out there that a.) is usually just speculation, and b.) seems to be averaging less than a 50/50 accuracy. Should we damand more from our news outlets? Should they be held accountable in more than just reputation? If its just speculation shouldn't they just say so? I know there would be a lot less news if we required news organiztions and social media "heros" like incarcerated bob to actually name thier sources, but maybe its time to demand more?

I have this in the dolphins section, because quite frankly we've been burnt and had our hopes and dreams dashed so often the last couple years, and emotions burnt because of these "source" guys.

You're ****ing right they should be held accountable. It would seem the following are souces these days:




Ok, seriously i've had it up to here with articles, twitter, facebook and formerally reputable news organizations, taking the cowards way out and citing "sources" as thier way of putting news out there that a.) is usually just speculation, and b.) seems to be averaging less than a 50/50 accuracy. Should we damand more from our news outlets? Should they be held accountable in more than just reputation? If its just speculation shouldn't they just say so? I know there would be a lot less news if we required news organiztions and social media "heros" like incarcerated bob to actually name thier sources, but maybe its time to demand more?

I have this in the dolphins section, because quite frankly we've been burnt and had our hopes and dreams dashed so often the last couple years, and emotions burnt because of these "source" guys.

You are singing my tune man. Specifically in relation to this coaching search, I've heard Mortensens, LaCanfora, etc. continuously claim that something was going to happen only to have their journalistic pride shot down when it doesn't. Unfortunately, they continue to just go about their jobs like nothing happend. "Fisher to Miami a certainty", "McCoy to be announced as Dolphins HC later today". These guys are a joke and receive zero backlash for reporting something that's obviously just speculation. Now we don't know what their bosses are telling them after they reported something incorrectly, but it doesn't stop them from still being on the air moving forward and reporting more BS. Mortensen will never be fired and unless people push back on the NFL Network, guys like LaCanfora will never be fired. Time to stand up and start pushing back on these networks that think they are providing inside scoops but really have no clue what they are talking about. My Rant is over, but my determination to call out the poor journalists is not.
Ok, seriously i've had it up to here with articles, twitter, facebook and formerally reputable news organizations, taking the cowards way out and citing "sources" as thier way of putting news out there that a.) is usually just speculation, and b.) seems to be averaging less than a 50/50 accuracy. Should we damand more from our news outlets? Should they be held accountable in more than just reputation? If its just speculation shouldn't they just say so? I know there would be a lot less news if we required news organiztions and social media "heros" like incarcerated bob to actually name thier sources, but maybe its time to demand more?

I have this in the dolphins section, because quite frankly we've been burnt and had our hopes and dreams dashed so often the last couple years, and emotions burnt because of these "source" guys.
"Sources" used to hold weight. Not anymore. It's just a creative way to spew speculation. So called "reporting" is really just the media whoring out for ratings and web hits.
Miss Cleo is a more reputable source than anyone on Armando or Omar's speed dial.
I get what you are getting at Wild Bill. With every "source post" we are told take it as a grain of salt, but we ended up drowing in a bunch incorrect information.
Absolutely sources are not useful. To post or not post is another question.
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