Tannehill Or No Tannehill | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Tannehill Or No Tannehill


Club Member
Feb 15, 2005
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Sanford Florida
I've been reading about the decision to start Ryan Tannehill or not, well IMO I thinks it's a no brainer, if the kid is better than what you have then start what you have. I see where everyone wants to sit him a year for what i can't figure that one out. Fins Fans have been waiting for this since Marino hung it and now they're will to put the fuure on hold? When guys like myself was hoping for the day would come when the dolphins did something for the team and the fans, let's examine this they have a quarterback with back problems, have a qb who is not the future of the team and came in as a backup to Chad Henne, and you have a kid who knows the offense, have his college coach, and have a WCO offense minded coach, and you're still willing to put all of this on hold? what the hell do you guys want? you should be clamouring for tannehill, it validates why all of those people was outside the Dolphins headquarters asking for Ireland's head. I'm beginning to think that fin fans are not as passionate about football as they say, you want to go to the dance but don't dance, let's go all the way with this kid, it worked out fine for newton and Dalton so let see what we have in The Future With Ryan Tannehill.
AHH THE MICROWAVE AGE. Why wait?? Why not?? I don't care if he is the 2nd coming of Dan Marino we aren't winning the superbowl this year. Letting him wait CAN'T hurt, but forcing him in too early CAN hurt. Will it stunt his growth?? No ones knows that but the coaches in charge but I am willing to wait on another Aarron Rodgers, rather than force him into becoming Joey Harrington, Ryan Leaf, ect. Forcing them in too early CAN ruin/end their career, break their confidence, and bring unbelievable pressure. There are people on this very board who have hated on some of our other draft picks so bad they were wishing injury on them. I can remember people wishing Tedd Ginn would get injured just to get him off the field. There are those already on here saying RT was a terrible pick.

Think back for a few minutes to when you were 22. Now imagine being married and moving away from your entire family, friends, support and being thrust into a new life where everyone is writing about how you suck. You throw 2 picks and you are a "BUST". You are trying to explain to your wife how it is just growing pains but deep down you are wondering if you can make it in the NFL. That is just too much pressure to put on him IMO. You are saying it is better to learn on the job, which means you will see his very worst until he gets up to speed. He has very little experience as a college QB much less a pro. He will have MANY issues to work out before he can be what he can become.

Right now it is fun and exciting to him. If he is learning behind two solid vets seeing the way the game is played, he will stay hungry and excited, even motivated to continue to improve to become the starter all the while without the pressure of the press and fans expectations. But if you throw him into the fire and things go the slightest bit wrong which they absolutely will, you will see it become a job REAL quick. It will no longer be fun, it will be work. The passion will be replaced with it becoming a chore. He will be forced to spend as much time convincing his wife and friends, teammates, coaches, media and fans that he is going to turn it around, as he will be trying to actually get better. Instead of dreaming about how to making a certain play work better he will be trying to think of the right thing to say to the next reporter.

Let me ask you this, when was the last time a rookie QB had a rating of over 90 or 85 for that matter?? Newton last year was able to extend plays because of his amazing feet and speed. Ryan is fast for a QB but not Newton or Vick fast, he won't be able to extend plays to that extent, add to that the fact that we have WRs that provide NO saftey blanket. We have no player that when you are in trouble you can just throw it up to and he will either catch it or knock it away. Instead we have WRs that are going to struggle to get open. It will be easy to play defense against us, until we get some of our young talent up to speed. In a year or two we will have better options at the WR position, and our TEs will understand the game better to give him more options. Right now he will be trying to go to his third and forth options just to find an open option. Right now a high percentage of his plays will be to continue hunting an open WR until he has to throw it away or take a sack, that will be his CORRECT decision. That is not the best place for a rookie QB to learn.

Aarron Rodgers would not have been the finished product we saw if he would have came in as a rookie. He may have NEVER became what we now see. I see a lot of similiar quailities in RT. The sky is the limit as far as talent for RT but he is RAW, VERY RAW. Why put the pressure on him to learn under fire when there is nothing to gain and everything to lose. Let this team build around him and throw him the keys when we have turned it into a Corvette, rather than the Pinto we are going to field this year. He doesn't have the experience of RG3 and Luck, yet every snap he takes will be compared to them if he starts from week one. Thats not fair to him or us.
why select him, if the QB's in next year's draft is better, it means can start yhe search all over again much sooner It really doesn't matter the style of the QB as long as he is successful, what will he have learned by sitting on the bench? do you really think he will learn anything sitting behind garrard and Moore? 2 years he will be about to sign another contract, i understand what you're saying but this Qb's need to be put in the fire so they can learn on the field. that just like showing a soldier how to fight for his life but don't put him on the battlefield, this is going to make millions of bucks, he knows the offense, even you right now don't think that the fins will be competative with garrard or moore, so what's the point? i say if there's is no seperation in talent then they should've waited until next season to get their QB because you can't keep on getting backups and making them the starter until your starter is ready to start.
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i say if there's is no seperation in talent then they should've waited until next season to get their QB because you can't keep on getting backups and making them the starter until your starter is ready to start.

I think that's the big decision point, isn't it?

If he is as good now as Moore (I won't speak to Gerard because of his health) and he isn't having the problems with decision making that are reported in the OTAs then he probably will be in good enough shape to start, compete, and grow.

IF NOT, then I hope we wait until he is. Just because he isn't ready to go immediately after one preseason that doesn't make him a bust or our decision to draft him a bad one.

Just sitting on the bench doesn't help his growth but neither does throwing him into Sunday competition before he has enough ability to learn from his mistakes.
I've been reading about the decision to start Ryan Tannehill or not, well IMO I thinks it's a no brainer, if the kid is better than what you have then start what you have. I see where everyone wants to sit him a year for what i can't figure that one out. Fins Fans have been waiting for this since Marino hung it and now they're will to put the fuure on hold? When guys like myself was hoping for the day would come when the dolphins did something for the team and the fans, let's examine this they have a quarterback with back problems, have a qb who is not the future of the team and came in as a backup to Chad Henne, and you have a kid who knows the offense, have his college coach, and have a WCO offense minded coach, and you're still willing to put all of this on hold? what the hell do you guys want? you should be clamouring for tannehill, it validates why all of those people was outside the Dolphins headquarters asking for Ireland's head. I'm beginning to think that fin fans are not as passionate about football as they say, you want to go to the dance but don't dance, let's go all the way with this kid, it worked out fine for newton and Dalton so let see what we have in The Future With Ryan Tannehill.

Thanks for playing...........
LikeUntoGod. Why a bug as an avatar? I am losing sleep over my uncertainty on the matter. :idk:
what will he have learned by sitting on the bench? do you really think he will learn anything sitting behind garrard and Moore? 2 years he will be about to sign another contract, i understand what you're saying but this Qb's need to be put in the fire so they can learn on the field. that just like showing a soldier how to fight for his life but don't put him on the battlefield
I'm not calling you out or trying to pick a fight, but I disagree with your thinking. "what will he learn sitting on the bench"? EVERYTHING that he can't learn on the field. You learn during the week at practice and during film study, you can't see what all 11 defensive players are doing after the snap. You can't always see and understand what they are doing to you on the field under fire. The more you see what is happening at the NFL speed to the other QBs and hear them get coached, and understand what works and what doesn't, and how to understand and take what the defense is giving you, the better chance you have at making a good decision.

You say "showing a soldier how to fight for his life but don't put him on the battlefield ", and I like that. The problem is you don't give a new recruit 15 minutes of training and tell him to go fight for his life. You wait until he has all the "tools in his tool box" (to steal a phrase from TS) before you throw him in the fire. Every player will tell you that the game is 80%+ mental. RT has the physical, but to be able to read a NFL defense at the speed you have to read it takes time. Most can NEVER master it, but you need to give a player all the mental snaps possible under live fire from the sidelines before you stick him under center IMO.

You can learn a whole lot more and a whole lot quicker from the sidelines than from under center. While it is true there will still be a learning curve once he gets under center, at least then he will know what he is seeing and how to respond. Maybe they throw him in there and he turns out to be the next great thing, but I personally hope they don't and believe they are taking a huge risk if they do.
Its very simple. By sitting him Ireland and Co. get to put off the reality that they screwed the pooch again...they will sit him...
We need to maximize the probability of Tannehill succeeding. I would err on the side of sitting him for a year and letting him learn as much as he can. Ryan appears to have terrific potential, but don't destroy him in the rush to get him on the field.
It could be argued that whatever potential John Beck had, was impaired by Cam Cameron playing him prematurely, let's be patient.
We need to maximize the probability of Tannehill succeeding. I would err on the side of sitting him for a year and letting him learn as much as he can. Ryan appears to have terrific potential, but don't destroy him in the rush to get him on the field.
It could be argued that whatever potential John Beck had, was impaired by Cam Cameron playing him prematurely, let's be patient.

That argument is old. There is no evidence that I know that shows sitting them helps them out at all. There have been plenty of QB's that started their first year and did well, and there have been plenty that failed. There have been many that have sat and failed also, and many that sat and worked out.

It comes down to this...if you have a franchise QB, you let him sit until he is better than the franchise player. If you don't have a franchise QB, which we don't, you start him. It is that simple.
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