The Jets are a dangerous looking team. | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The Jets are a dangerous looking team.

I think we all knew they had talent on D and with their head coach being a Ryan this shouldnt shock anyone..
We all knew their D was going to be fantastic they have great talent at every level.
Im still not sold on their O yet
I think we all knew they had talent on D and with their head coach being a Ryan this shouldnt shock anyone..
We all knew their D was going to be fantastic they have great talent at every level.
Im still not sold on their O yet
Me either. Their O looked mighty suspect until the 2nd half. They beat the Texans D (shootout today) and the Pats D (really overrated). Too early to make bold predictions yet.
I don't know what to think right now. The Bills and Jets have both been impressive these last two weeks. The Pats not so much but they're still the Pats.

One things for sure, if we continue to play like we did last Sunday we're going to be in the cellar of the AFC East.
Am I reading this right jets d stop the NE o to score a single td? Everyone else got 16 9 right? IT is time to fear the jets rex ryans trash talk is making miracles.
Hahaha patriots to the super bowl my a$$! AFC east doesnt look so tough now....
Am I reading this right jets d stop the NE o to score a single td? Everyone else got 16 9 right? IT is time to fear the jets rex ryans trash talk is making miracles.
or the Pats just really suck this year.
AFC EAST has 4 beatable teams. Are we the AFC West? Will Miami win the division with a 8-8 record? lmao
I watched the game......the Jets D blitzed like crazy, which is a good game plan against Brady. I imagine they'll do that against everyone until someone has an answer for it. We will have to, have to, have to establish the run against them when we play them or it is going to be a re-run of the playoff game last year against Baltimore.

On the other side, the Pats barely pressured Sanchez in the 2nd half, and that is when the Jets pulled ahead. They made it easy on him without much blitzing, it's amazing they didn't cover better. Maybe they were trying to confuse him w/ coverages (hard to tell unless you're at the game), but I didn't see to much up front and that IMO is how you attack a young QB: pressure, pressure, pressure.
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I agree, to all the Jets fans who told us over and over again that this would happen, I'm here to tip my hat. Nice job Rex Ryan, doing a hell of a job up there.
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