Transfer Your Dolphins Games to DVD! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Transfer Your Dolphins Games to DVD!


Practice Squad
May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Hey all

Thought some of you might want to know that where I work at we can transfer your copy of Dolphin games that you have on any format to dvd or vhs as well as minidv for editing purposes. For DVD's we can even make a nice color label of any pic you wish to place on it. I'm a huge dolfan myself and thought I'd pass the word. Let me know if interested then I'll post some more details.
Also, we can make just dupes of your games so that you can give as gifts to other dolfans or sell to others that want the game. We can do up to 32 vhs copies at a time and about 50 dvd's per hr.

I don't know if I'm allowed to post company addresses and name on here, so if anyone would let me know I'd appreciate it. Or you can just go to our website
i believe its illegal to sell copies of NFL games with out their express written consent.
msg said:
i believe its illegal to sell copies of NFL games with out their express written consent.
I believe you are correct. I take that back. Use them as "back-ups".
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