Trying to contact the Web site owners | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Trying to contact the Web site owners

The Goat

Escape Goat
Club Member
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
North Port, FL
Their blog is empty. Having some training in Public Relations and media, I suspect that site will receive national attention very, very shortly.

I've sent an e-mail to them regarding blogging for them, but I figure this might be a decent alternative for someone who might know the owner(s)

Anyway...this is free if anyone can find the owners and thinks it's worthy. If anyone has a contact, it would be appreciated.


Dan Marino strode to the line of scrimmage in Miami. He surveyed the defense with ice blue eyes and looked for weaknesses.

“Miami receivers didn't catch Marino's passes so much as they were impaled by them," wrote Ralph Wiley in Sports Illustrated.
It was the 1985 AFC Championship game, in which Dan dissected the Steelers en route to his first and only Super Bowl. Never before and
perhaps never after was such an apt line written about Daniel Constantine Marino. He eviscerated the Steelers on that day, leading the Dolphins
to what was supposed to be the first of many Super Bowl appearances.

Of course, it didn't quite work out that way. Hampered by poor defenses, nonexistent running games, and perhaps falling victim to over reliance
on his pure passing ability, Dan the Man never got his ring. Miami fans ached for him and with him when he retired, and there was a sense of sadness.
The marriage of Dan and the Dolphins was beautiful, but not what it should have been. Miami fans have been searching for a quarterback to embrace
ever since, the replacement for Marino. Thirteen long years they've been searching, with no heir apparent in sight.

Peyton Manning strode to the line of scrimmage in Miami. He surveyed the defense with ice blue eyes and looked for weaknesses.

He had won this game once before, against Chicago, and had the Super Bowl ring on his finger to prove it.

Not this time.

Phil Taylor of Sports Illustrated wrote a mildly biased article about the Super Bowl loss to the Saints that day, and quoted a Saint in doing so.
"He's still one of the top two or three quarterbacks ever," said middle linebacker Jonathan Vilma. "He's still going to the Hall of Fame and into the record books."

And that he is. But how many rings will he have?

He's training now. Every day, working on rehabilitating his arm. Working on the throws. Trying to make himself as close as he can to what he was.
He's already reached Olympus, contrary to what Phil Taylor and other doubters may suggest, so there would be no shame in quitting now.
According to anyone who's familiar with him, that's not to be. He's coming back.

While he was hurt, the Colts became a laughingstock. His younger brother got a second ring. His coach and GM were fired, and his team's owner apparently lost his mind, tweeting like a confused and lovesick teenager. Barring a miraculous and last-minute reconciliation, the Manning Era is over in Indianapolis, and the Luck Era is about to begin.

So...whither Manning?

Miami fans await, their arms open wide. Longing for the day to return when a field general stares down a defense, dissecting it with ice blue eyes. Longing for a quarterback to take them back to the promised land.

Longing for the days to return when receivers won't so much catch passes as be impaled by them.

Please, Peyton. We're waiting. For you.
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...and now their blog has content...either that, or Safari wasn't picking it up last night.
Send him a tweet. He's all over twitter
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