UCF receives LOI from NCAA | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

UCF receives LOI from NCAA

Until the NCAA realizes the system is broken this will continue. There is no easy solution but the first step is to stop the self reporting BS and actually monitor what is going on.
Until the NCAA realizes the system is broken this will continue. There is no easy solution but the first step is to stop the self reporting BS and actually monitor what is going on.

The system is broken BECAUSE of the NCAA.... they're not mutually exclusive.

The rules put in place by the NCAA on coaches doesn't allow them to monitor their programs the way they should be able to.

Self reporting, or the "honor system" would be just fine if the system wasn't so flawed to begin with.

Until they get it fixed, I'd say to anyone out there looking for job security.... you'll find it on the NCAA Infraction Committee.
Just bringing back athletic dorms would help to monitor players more and keep them out of legal troubles,
and that's just one little thing.
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