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What player was ...


Premium Member
Aug 20, 2002
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Canton Ohio
What player on the UNDEFEATED team was legally blind while on the field during the game?
Originally posted by HofCityFan
Not Griese he didn't get his glasses until 77 this was during the 72 season
that was a joke, i have no idea. i just mentioned it because up till he got glasses, he threw alot of INT's!
Originally posted by HofCityFan
no to all the answers so far I'll give a hint he played defense
i couln't find that info anywhere, but it had to be a lineman, so i'd say norm evans T, only because i'd never really heard of him nor about a legally blind player!:p
Originally posted by HofCityFan
no to all the answers so far I'll give a hint he played defense
Tim Foley ?
Good work guys you got it!!!! You had me worried for a few minutes. lol . relive1972 do you have one for us. Me and 06 have been trading questions back and forth. when somebody gets it right it their turn to post sound good to you guys
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