White WR in NFL ? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

White WR in NFL ?


Seasoned Veteran
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
france (ST ETIENNE)

No racism here, just a question.

who's are the white WR in nfl (I don't know many of them, I know only stockley, chrebet,tim dwight,boerigter, and curtis) ?

thanks ;)
We used to have a white WR who "could do the things Randy Moss does", yes it was the immortal Larry Shannon.
add ricky proehl, david kircus to that list
Noodle Arm said:
We used to have a white WR who "could do the things Randy Moss does", yes it was the immortal Larry Shannon.

:roflmao: :rofl4: :roflmao: Great quote!
Stupid thread.....next can we discuss the white CB's??? Then we can name the black GM's...how about the hispanic team owners???
abNORMal said:
Stupid thread.....next can we discuss the white CB's??? Then we can name the black GM's...how about the hispanic team owners???

why is it s stupid thread? he didnt know and asked for help....geez....i dont know why everyone on tis board feels the need to bash other posts
No, what I love is that people take the time to post on "stupid" threads. What's rarer than a white WR is a white RB. Brock Forsey is the only one I can think of.
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