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The Biggest Fins Fan from CT
Jan 9, 2005
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Why after Ricky's "disapointing" 2003 season, whcih was 1375 yards and 10 TDs all the football morons and non fins fans were saying how he was a one year wonder and all this crap. He had quite possible because of injuries the worst offensive line of the last 10 years. In 2002 he had 1856 yards behind a suspect line. But when clinton portis got less yuards and 6 TDs last season nobody said anything, Jamal Lewis has had one good season in his career but he isnt a one year wonder????

It seems as if since ricky came into the league because he was a little eccentric that everyone has been out to get him.
he always ran hard and i just hope that he can bring his career back to wah tit used to be. Whether its w/ us or another team.
I don't think that RB would be doing as well if not for Ricky, the 40 carries between them have to wear on the D.
They must love playing together.
I love watching Williams run even if he did screw us last year. He has always been an incredible back to watch. Ronnie is just as exciting so give RB his 23 and Ricky 17 and let's hope for a ypc. for about 5.2. And let's limit Gus' passes to about 25 or less.
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