1 Dolphin definitely not playing for the money | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

1 Dolphin definitely not playing for the money


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Zebbie Lethridge
Three years ago, Lethridge won a $22.5 million award stemming from a lawsuit he filed against Dillard's department store and a Lubbock, Texas, police officer. Lethridge, who was the starting quarterback at Texas Tech from 1994-97, had been accused in 1995 of stealing a pair of $13 gold earrings.
from http://www.gopbi.com/partners/pbpost/epaper/editions/monday/sports_d3d4ceef159f520200c7.html

besides the fact that what happened to him sucks, it also sucks for him that he "picked" the Fins to play for since he deep, deep, deep down on the charts behind 5 other CBs at least. Time to find another line of work like financial management :rolleyes:
Sitting on $22.5 million...

...I don't think I'd want any more energetic a lifestyle than sailing yachts, fishing big game and powerlifting bud to my mouth whilst watching NFL. Wonder if he fancies switching bank accounts with me :lol: :lol:
It shows that he really loves the game if he will play for 300,000 dollars (still a lot of money) a year if he already has 22.5 million.
Ive always wondered what he thinks year in and year out....."I know im gonna make the team this year"......poor guy.
Just shows perseverence. The guy is just out there for the love of the game. I read about his plight last summer. If he doesn't catch on with us, I really hope he catches on somewhere else and shines. Good luck to him.
Its good to see someone who plays for the love of the game:cool:
Yeah the only thing is...He didn't get all that money his lawyer got at least 33% of it....BTW it is still about 22.5 million more than I have....I remember that happening, I worked at Dillard's at the time....there are 3 people who say they saw him take them.

Yes the managers did say to watch black people, but they all say they saw him take them.(at least to Dillard's people they said that.)
Zebbie Lethridge is a symbol of what is wrong with the American society. Come on, 22.5 million for that, give me a break. This guy gives the American society a bad name. At most all he deserved was to be apologize to, and a 100 buck coupon. Than fire the employee and call that that. I hope he gets cut and than sued for 45 million.
Originally posted by Bobby Humphrey
Zebbie Lethridge is a symbol of what is wrong with the American society. Come on, 22.5 million for that, give me a break. This guy gives the American society a bad name. At most all he deserved was to be apologize to, and a 100 buck coupon. Than fire the employee and call that that. I hope he gets cut and than sued for 45 million.
No this is what's right with American society..hopefully it sets a presidence to stop picking on a color or race..Maybe other stores will reveiw their policies..too many good people get stopped for the wrong reason...race.
Like I said I worked there and many people have said they SAW him do it.
What's the whole story on it? Did they find the earrings on him when he left the store? Then the answer is no. Let's say for arguements sake he intended to steal them and then decided not to, the manager should have known better than to go after someone that he/she didn't personally see take something. If he didn't take them outside the store, he didn't shoplift, even if 50 people saw him put them in his pocket. Plus the manager said to specifically watch for black people? Combine that with the fact that he didn't have the earrings on him then no wonder he was able to sue and win. Not saying this is the case, but I've seen where employees get caught up in the excitement and twist what they saw, especially when the manager is putting it in their head. This "could" be the case here, but I don't know and it really doesn't matter.

Despite all that, he's still a very rich man playing for the love of the game.
Killah all true. I am merely agreeing that getting all that money because someone accuses you of stealing? Come on. All he deserved was an apology and the managers job.

Maybe even a nominal amount for his trouble. But millions? Come on!
This isn't just a stealing case though. If you don't know what it feels like to be racially profiled and targeted then I'd kindly advise you to leave this alone.

For those employees that claim they saw him do it, I'd find it hard to believe anyone whose intent was racially motivated...if that was the case.

22.5 million wasn't enough IMO....he should have gotten 100 million or more!

Peace doesn't exist within the human race.
Originally posted by Phinstd
Killah all true. I am merely agreeing that getting all that money because someone accuses you of stealing? Come on. All he deserved was an apology and the managers job.

Maybe even a nominal amount for his trouble. But millions? Come on!

You keep missing the boarder point..If a manager has employees engaged in racial profiling, things like this is bound to happen..It also shows that no minorities are being hired in that store, since the manager can state who to profile like that...As I said before, now you set an atmosphere where people almost start engaging in prejurdice acts,,knowingly and unknowingly..You also place a state of how to look at people in the employees mind that can carry on the rest of their lives and make them prejurdice..it's like a cancer..In America the only time people listen is when you hit their pockets..I think this got that stores attention..So in a society where we don't do racially negative things to each other..then I agree with you..fire the manager, apologize and move on..In our society as it is now..drastic measures such as this is sometimes neccessary to set precidents for further "would be's" who may engage in the same practices, and for those who are doing it,,it may have them reveiw their policies and change how they do business..again the long term affect..if your company has 100 employees and they're non minorities..you've just educated them in prejurdice practices that carry on out side the work place..keeping the cycle of racism going and going.
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