10 Most Feared NFL Players | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

10 Most Feared NFL Players

Ray Lewis aint what he used to be. Besides Marcus Vick would put the most fear in me:
i'd fear olin kretuz a hell of a lot more than joey porter. He broke his own fellow lineman's jaw at an FBI retreat. Now that's bad ***
305TillIDie said:
in that video..he banged Anquin Boldin when he was at fsu
Sean is a stud :yes:
my school had to play him in high school whenn he was at gulliver. our only loss because he did everything, and i mean everything except punting
Man I really wanted us to sign Kruetz a few years back,this o-line would be solid with him at C.Btw I realize he's not in the NFL,but that's no reason Chuck Norris isn't at the top of that most fear list.
taylor is definetly a big hitter but i still think his teamate from the U, mr ed reed is head and shoulders above him
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