10 Reasons I am optimistic about 2014 | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

10 Reasons I am optimistic about 2014

Philbin and Hickey know they better show a lot of improvement next year. They are on a one year trial. There are no leaders on offense or defense. Philbin got rid of Ireland's men. The replacements are not very good. Martin did not replace Long. Wheeler did not replace Turner. Philbin's build through the draft philosophy works for Green Bay and Pittsburgh. Ross wants to win now. Ideally, we will get to the point where we can sit rookies but we need depth on all positions. The only position with depth is defensive line. We have to draft for now or there will be no tomorrow for Philbin. Frankly, the near future must be to get Tannehill a running game, an OL, a TE, and another WR. Wallace needs to run at a predictable speed so he can catch more passes.
Tannehill needs to work in the pocket better. He needs to know how to move to avoid rushers and where to move so he isn't just running backwards into no mans land like I watched him do several times last year. The man would put himself in worse positions just because he doesn't know how to feel the pressure or work the pocket. Marino could be in all sorts of danger and take 1 simple slide step to avoid the rusher which would give him the time needed to finish the play. Tannehill needs to study the greats on how to move in the pocket and work on his accuracy and then he just may become what we all hope he becomes. The ONE
Let me start off by saying.... I would LOVE to have something to look forward to next year... but the realist in me pops up and I see more of the same for the next few years.. So allow me to interject my thought..

Note: I was crushed by how we finished the season, confused as to what happened, and disappointed. However, I am still optimistic on our future because I believe in our Coach/QB combo.

1. Ryan Tannehill: Set career highs across the board. His 24 TD passes should not be ignored, but yes he does need to improve, and I believe he will.
- (1A): Tannehill was 2nd in the NFL in 4th quarter comebacks. Tannehill is as dumb as the head of a nail... When a guy cant assemble an end table from IKIA... with instructions.. how can he lead 10 other men and the entire football team? Its true, Ryan has taken a couple small steps forward, but thats only after practicing over and over and over, that one short coming.. And the whole time he is practicing one short coming, he is over looking all the others... MAYBE in 10 years, he can mature to the point where he is a decent leader.. but do you want to wait 10 years? I mean really... naw.. I say use Tanny now but be on the lookout for another Andrew Luck..

2. Tannehill/Mike Wallace: I have been saying this all year, Wallace shouldn't be judged on this year alone, he will be here for awhile and he is going to produce. It was obvious the combo got better late in the season. With a year under their belt next season should be even better. (If Tanne connects on only 1-3 more long balls last year we may have been in playoffs). Mike Wallace is too much of a crybaby for my liking... ohh boo hoo.. they arent using me correctly.. ohh boohoo.. Ryan cant get the ball to me.. ohhh boo.. stfu Wallace... once you show a physical dominance out there along the sidelines, then good things will come your way.. Now for the other half of the combo... we come back to Ryan Tannehill... Maybe.. just maybe... if he looked off Wallace (or any of his receivers) it might make the defense shy away from the primary receiver.. but once again, its something Ryan will have to learn and leaves very little promise for a successful next year

3. Brandon Gibson: When we lost Gibson it was a huge blow, he was our best 3rd down option, and when he got hurt him and Tannehill were really clicking. He would have been huge down the stretch. I find it hard to hang any hope on someone that is unproven in this league.. but I'll given you the credit of doubt and yeah.. hurry up and get back on the field Brandon.. at the same time.. raawww rawww hip hurray.. hurry up and get back on the field Dustin Keller... our hopes are riding on you two

4. O-line: Simply put, it can only get better. This year's team with even a marginally better line could have made playoffs. As of right now.. this exact moment of time and space.. we have the same O-line personnel on the roster.. But then I dunno... maybe Superman and his 4 brothers will finally call Earth their new home planet and maybe we can sign them.. We did just sign the last candidate on the super duper bad azz GM list.. so yeah baby.. we have hope going into 2014/2015

5. Ellerbee/Wheeler: Simply put, they can only get better. Not confident in Wheeler, but I do believe Ellerbee will be better. They can only get better? damsam... wanna bet?? There is no signs that they started to peak towards the end of last year.. in fact the last two games of the season was their worst!! So I dont know how you think they can improve next year... I've seen no signs of "Ray Lewis, Zach Thomas, Brian U or Patrick Willis" in Ellerbee's or Wheeler's play? I just dont see how taking break during the offseason is going to make a world of difference next year

6. Dion Jordan: I think he emerges this year (Maybe not 15 sack type emerge, but better than last year). I think Jordan/Wake/Vernon put more pressure on Qb than last year. If the news reports are accurate.. it was Philbin that kept him off the field last year against Irelands objections... Well Philbin is still here and so far we have no confirmation that Philbin will change... If you can direct me to a press conference where Philbin says.. "Jordan is no longer a rookie, so you can expect a drastic change in his playing time.. Then I'll buy into your theory, but based on more recent events, I dont see any reason to expect more playing time...

7. Reshad Jones/CB #2: (Assume we resign Grimes): Jones will get return/ and hopefully a 2nd corner will emerge. To put it bluntly.. with the exception of Grimes and Patterson (when healthy) our secondary is very very suspect.. A cushion is a good thing for when you sit down after a long day at work.. but not so good when you're trying to prevent Manning.. or Brady from completing a pass.. Before I give any hope on a new and improved secondary.. I want to see a locker sign that says "Cushions are comfy, but they arent your friend"

8. Improved Running game: It improves by subtracting Thomas alone. Running behind a better line and adding a true 2nd back will make our team more balanced, zero production from our run game really hurt many late drives last year. Either Thomas.. Miller and Thigpen, all have no vision.. or they like the company of other men, because they always see to run towards the defensive guy. Claustrophobia is a good thing to have when your a running back.. and our guys seem to be lacking it..

9. Lazor: If he is responsible for a single player breaking out it will be more than Sherman (Period) I almost (and others will say I should have) deleted everything I wrote when I got to #9... because I do see a greener, brighter horizon.. Sherman is gone.. woo hoo.. but then I settle back down into my comfy cushiony couch and wonder... was it Sherman calling the wrong predictable plays.. or was he calling the best the play possible, based on what the offense was capable of doing? I AM looking forward to the 2014/2015 season and Lazor's playbook, just to answer that one question...

10. Sturgis: I think/pray he gets better than last year. Could have made difference in a few games. IMO.. the problem with Sturgis is his helmet is too tight and its cutting off the circulation to his confidence... The man has the leg and the strength, he just needs to lay down on a soft comfy couch and spill his problems to Dr Freud... While he's there, do you think we can make appointments for Martin and Richie? One can only hope!!

In all seriousness, there is not too much to pin our hopes on next season.. Philbin is the head coach and the one problem.. the biggest problem I see with him is the lack of ability to be creative on the field and the lack of ability to motivate the players in the locker room.. The last two games of the season is proof right there... I dont know man, he might be an excellent organizer and will excel managing a Burger King, but this is the NFL and you need some intensity in your blood and the ability to think outside the box sometimes.

Ross is still the owner and the reputation of STAY AWAY FROM THE DOLPHINS still scares me... There is too many reports out there that these knowledgeable, experienced football guru's still want to reject working for the Dolphins.. From Jim Harbaugh to Peyton Manning to the recent round of GM candidates.. all have rejected us... That right there is telling me we have many many years ahead of us before we can right the ship..

As mentioned above.. I would love nothing better than going undefeated next year and dominating the entire league like we once did. Before I die, I would love to see another Super Bowl win, but I've seen the downward spiral of the Dolphins first hand and believe me when I say.. its not getting any better...

If these things happen we could be looking at 10-6, but if there is one thing I learned from this organization, none of these things are certain. We need a good draft.
Tannehill was 2nd in the NFL in 4th quarter comebacks??????? Are you serious? LOL Don't show that to the haters!
I believe Ryan Tannehill had four fourth quarter comebacks in 2013. That's more than Chad Henne had in his entire career and was one of the better marks in the NFL this year, yes.

Anyway, I think we're a 7-9 team unless:

A) Bill Lazor turns out to be a pretty good offensive coordinator
B) Dennis Hickey can somehow fix the worst OL in the NFL in one offseason.

Defense is going to regress, IMO.
The main reason to be optimistic is because of cap $$$$$ we have to spend. Ross has deep pockets when it comes to players but not stadium improvements.
Thats optimistic for sure......the main thing is going to be the rebuild of the line, that will determine 2014 primarily.
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