With a win at Buffalo can Miami get a higher seed than 7? I think I read a couple of weeks ago that if Miami is tied at 11-5 with the Colts and the Browns, Miami would be the fifth seed. Does anyone know a more complete analysis. Tied with just one team at 11-5? What about tied with Pittsburg?
My preference would be to be the fifth seed and play Pittsburg. Ok wishful thinking, but I can hope! Having to play Buffalo at home 2 weeks in a row with a potentially rested team does not look encouraging! Plus having our players stranded in that awful place for 2 weeks is cruel and unusual punishment, which is prohibited by the constitution.
My preference would be to be the fifth seed and play Pittsburg. Ok wishful thinking, but I can hope! Having to play Buffalo at home 2 weeks in a row with a potentially rested team does not look encouraging! Plus having our players stranded in that awful place for 2 weeks is cruel and unusual punishment, which is prohibited by the constitution.