15 and coutning..... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

15 and coutning.....


Practice Squad
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
This tale has been told many of times. Since the year 1999 there has been FIFTEEN count them 15 QB's that have come through Miami and we are still looking. Jay Feedler, Damon Huard, Ray Lucas, Brian Griese, AJ Feeley, Sage Rosenfels, Gus Frerotte, Joey Harrington, Daunte Culpepper, Cleo Lemon, Trent Green, John Beck, Chad Pennington, Chad Henne and Tyler Thigpen. Hopefully hopefully the search ends this year? 11 years and waiting could this be the year do we put more time into Henne and Thigpen? I think we pick again and this may just be the year to get a solid long term QB. Can I get an AMEN?:applaudit:
You forgot 2nd round pick Pat White. Though he never really started, he was pegged to eventually start.
Fiedler was the best of the 15. Wonder if we can get him to come out of his volleyball tournaments and make a comeback.
Fiedler was the best of the 15. Wonder if we can get him to come out of his volleyball tournaments and make a comeback.

Fiedler wasn't the best . . . he had the best team . . . the man had a top 3 defense and the league leading rusher in 2002 and him and Wannstache choked that season those final 2 games.

If you put a gun to my head, I'd say Chad Pennington was the best . . . but that isn't saying much.
Amen to that OP

Now is the time to go get "our guy" as the Jets did with Sanchez. Value Is not the way to go when looking for a starting qb in this league. If OL, LB, or DB help was our primary concern fine trade down and get "value". But don't trade down and give Pat White, or Chad Henne and expect me to believe it's in the best interest of a team that has had 15 starters in 10 years.

It's time to leave a draft with a blue chip, top tier prospect, as opposed to our usual 2-3 2nd tier guys.

Give us a chance to win, otherwise why the hell am I routing for these dolphins year after year.
Oh yeah Pat White too, cant understand why I forgot him. Now out of the illustrious 16 WHO did we DRAFT to take control and LEAD this team into the following season? Then count how many we went to the dumpster and picked who was avilable. 16 QBS in 11 years OMG.
What do think was Henne's problem just couldnt adapt all the way in the pros? Then again look at Cards Lienart or werever hes at now Arby's?
What do think was Henne's problem just couldnt adapt all the way in the pros? Then again look at Cards Lienart or werever hes at now Arby's?

Good chance Henne gets another shot, if he crashes and burns this offseason/season . . . I think more definitive answers can be made. Right now, to me, he was being led by a bunch of morons.
Good chance Henne gets another shot, if he crashes and burns this offseason/season . . . I think more definitive answers can be made. Right now, to me, he was being led by a bunch of morons.

On most teams I would Agree with you, but I think the GM and HC jobs will be vacant come the end of next season if we don't make a move at QB and end up with another mediocre or losing season.

Hopefully being in the hot seat will finally give our front office the balls to go get us a potential franchise guy despite the risks.
Fiedler was the best of the 15. Wonder if we can get him to come out of his volleyball tournaments and make a comeback.
You have got to be kidding. You want captain floater to comeback and you think that will solve our problems. I will never forget a game in which that idiot had a 3rd and short and the decision he made that really epitomized him. He had Gadsen running a crossing route underneath and he had beaten his man and was clearly going to be able to pick up 15-20yds. You can not tell me that the idiot did not see him right in front of him. What does that idiot do? He saw Chambers down field and at the time he was open. And then it was like time was slowed downed as you watched the ball float through the air. Chambers was open, but by the time the ball got to him the defenders had closed. What happened you asked? What happened was what happened when Fielder tried to get anything deep he got picked. I will never forget that play as long as I hear anyone extol the virtues of that idiot.
You have got to be kidding. You want captain floater to comeback and you think that will solve our problems. I will never forget a game in which that idiot had a 3rd and short and the decision he made that really epitomized him. He had Gadsen running a crossing route underneath and he had beaten his man and was clearly going to be able to pick up 15-20yds. You can not tell me that the idiot did not see him right in front of him. What does that idiot do? He saw Chambers down field and at the time he was open. And then it was like time was slowed downed as you watched the ball float through the air. Chambers was open, but by the time the ball got to him the defenders had closed. What happened you asked? What happened was what happened when Fielder tried to get anything deep he got picked. I will never forget that play as long as I hear anyone extol the virtues of that idiot.

I mean I liked Jay Fiedler, he was a pretty good guy, smart as hell, played above his ability though . . . but it just wasn't good enough. He has delivered some of the most memorable moments post Marino . . . but once again that isn't saying much when the team only made the playoffs once since his departure.

But yea, an average QB gets ATLEAST an AFC championship game out of the talent we had for those early 2000 teams
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