2nd in INTs in 1972 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

2nd in INTs in 1972


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Who was the 2nd on the team in INTs in 1972 with 4 behind Jake Scott's five ?
didn't have to look that one up, i have that page memorized. i guess its safe to use the initials, i'll bet nobody knows the name, LM!
I know the answer, so I will let someone else have a chance.
I would like to add a clue if allowed. He later went on to play for another AFC East team. He probably had a better career with that other team, than with the fins. At least he was better known IMO.
True old school fin fans would know it, but, most of today's younger generation would have no idea who this guy is.
a hint - he was a 16th round pick from Texas Southern - OK doubt that will help, but he is not Scott or Anderson.
does everybody, but 06, give up ?
when i looked up those stats!

i ran acroos a couple of names that just absolutely slipped my mind. charlie babb and mike kolen. they each had one. and i can't believe anderson was third with 3!
Re: when i looked up those stats!

Originally posted by dolfan06
i ran acroos a couple of names that just absolutely slipped my mind. charlie babb and mike kolen. they each had one. and i can't believe anderson was third with 3!
if we have mumphord, curtis johnson and tim foley, which 2 started - do you remember ?
Re: Re: when i looked up those stats!

Originally posted by dolphan39
if we have mumphord, curtis johnson and tim foley, which 2 started - do you remember ?
tim foley at LCB and curtis johnson at RCB were the starters, yet mumphord had more INT's. only one more than foley, but it's still more.
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