49er's Get Their Man.... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

49er's Get Their Man....

LOL, Dolphan39 specifically said not to post this in here. He reported it in the NFL forum. No cookies or milk for you!
just goes to show you how much of a "good ol boys" club it is.....re-tread white head coack....rich brooks and june jones names were considered for God's sake....as soon as the recycled white guys names came up did anybody HONESTLY believe cottrell had a shot at the job?

it is a shame.....

... are you trying to imply they would never hire a minority?


Originally posted by Bodzilla29
just goes to show you how much of a "good ol boys" club it is.....re-tread white head coack....rich brooks and june jones names were considered for God's sake....as soon as the recycled white guys names came up did anybody HONESTLY believe cottrell had a shot at the job?

it is a shame.....
I'm going to have to put Erickson in the "total and complete loser club." What a jerk: get kids and their parents to trust you that you're going to take care of them and their kids, get them to sign letters of intent based upon what you tell them, and walk away from them as soon as a "better" opportunity presents itself. I'm now hoping, more than ever, that the None-errrs fail miserably in every sense of the word.
oliver.....i never say never(guess i just did...haha) but look at the facts here....

bill walsh is flabbergasted that dennis green didn't get one of the available jobs out there because he is the most qualified, but when an opening is available in san fran, where is green?

blache crennell interviewing was mere window dressing, i believe, and there is nothing concrete to base that judgement on, just seems there was no interest there....

cottrell has 2 interviews and it looks promising.....but they still wait, then hire the first college coach that agrees to talk to them? and that coach just happens to have failed in the nfl already, and is white....now i know everybody deserves a second chance, but what has ericson done that cottrell perhaps is incapable of?

it all reeks of 'political correctness' to me......

i may be completely off base, but does my argument not at least sound feasable?

as my mother would say: "something's rotten in the state of denmark"
I don't know why they went with erickson. Based solely on his past record he certainly would not be my favorite selection. Seems the Niners went in the wrong direction after firing Mooch. But Cottrell hasn't exactly excelled as DC for the Jets either. His units seem to always take half a season to gell.

Dennis Green is a goof. He handled the Vikings situation with Moss, Culpepper and Carter terribly. I wouldn't want him for a coach either.

All this said. Winning brings in the dollars. The NFL is a business and so are the individual clubs. The 49ers will do what it takes to win. I refuse to believe they would pass up a coach and opportunity to win because of skin color. It's rediculous and upsurd.
Yeah I guess it's possible Bod...

... I just don't think anyone should have to consider a minority just because they are a minority. I feel that is wrong, it's just the reverse to what minorities use to be up against. 2 wrongs don't make a right.

As far as Green, I can't answer that. His possible hiring in San Fran made the most sense to me. The hiring of Erickson is a very confusing move on their part IMO.

I can't say I'm unhappy they may have screwed up here. :D


Originally posted by Bodzilla29
oliver.....i never say never(guess i just did...haha) but look at the facts here....

bill walsh is flabbergasted that dennis green didn't get one of the available jobs out there because he is the most qualified, but when an opening is available in san fran, where is green?

blache crennell interviewing was mere window dressing, i believe, and there is nothing concrete to base that judgement on, just seems there was no interest there....

cottrell has 2 interviews and it looks promising.....but they still wait, then hire the first college coach that agrees to talk to them? and that coach just happens to have failed in the nfl already, and is white....now i know everybody deserves a second chance, but what has ericson done that cottrell perhaps is incapable of?

it all reeks of 'political correctness' to me......

i may be completely off base, but does my argument not at least sound feasable?

as my mother would say: "something's rotten in the state of denmark"
What a total joke...

and offense to minorities.

Imagine how Cottrell and Blache feel.

Totally Used.

I watched an Dennis Erickson coached Oregon State team struggle with Temple for 3 quarters.
I was hoping for Cottrell to get hired so Cochrane and company would shut their pie holes for awhile. The good news is Dennis Erickson isn't that good of a coach and IMO a bad fit for San Fran. Which is good for me cause I hate the forty whiners.
That's jumping the gun. You don't know what SF's motives were for bringing in the minority coaches. Just cause they weren't hired does not mean they were used.

But you see how this works now... If you don't bring a minority in, you are guilty of not giving them a chance, when you bring them in and decide to go in a different direction your automatically convicted of token interviews.

My question is this.

The majority of NFL players aren't white. However, nobody is complaining here despite the fact that it is directly contradicting the fact that America's majority is white.

The coaching positions also do not reflect the ethnical percentages of America's population, yet there are complaints.

Why is this the case?

And why isn't anyone concerned the new largest minority population does not have any head coaching positions at all.

It just seems like a bunch of political correctness garbage.

Here's the problem...

Dennis Erickson was never mentioned for this job before today...
he can't coach his way out of a paper bag...

Its not like the Niners hired a Neuheisel or a hot candidate...

They hired a has been...who had a shot in the NFL...again its not like Dennis was a commodity.

Its also not like you can possibly imagine that anything Erickson could say would put him in front of a Cottrell or Blache.

So how were the minority coaches used?

... because they brought in minority coaches they have to sign them?

Sorry this is still America, private companies can hire who they want. As far as I know the 9'Ers lived up to their responsibilities in the last players contract by considering minoritites.

You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.

We may not agree with Ericksons credentials, but that does not mean the powers that be in San Fran are wrong.


Originally posted by RHoffman
Here's the problem...

Dennis Erickson was never mentioned for this job before today...
he can't coach his way out of a paper bag...

Its not like the Niners hired a Neuheisel or a hot candidate...

They hired a has been...who had a shot in the NFL...again its not like Dennis was a commodity.

Its also not like you can possibly imagine that anything Erickson could say would put him in front of a Cottrell or Blache.


I'll take the bait...then why would the Niners sit on Erickson's candidacy...the high school recruiting period...come on...that was over last week.

If you really think that the niners really had any intention of hiring the two minority candidates, I think that you are kidding your self.

I certainly support hiring the best coach possible no matter what his race or ethnicity, but I don't think the Niners did this here.

I know this is just my opinion Oliver...so I will just leave it that.
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