5 things to look for tonight.. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

5 things to look for tonight..


Active Roster
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
West Palm Beach
1. A first look at Chris Foerster's offense.

Despite being scaled down and missing both starting WR's and possibly Newson, we will get our first opportunity to see what effect Sullivan, Trestman and Foerster have had on the offense.

"We'll go with a controlled passing game and sometimes we'll take our shots. Do we take our best shot with Randy (McMichael)? Do we take our best shot with Kendall (Newson)? Do we feel a matchup this week with Derrius (Thompson) or Chris (Chambers)? There are so many options available to us each week.''

Will we see short drops in the passing game to offset the blitz? How effective will the screens be? Will Foerster utilize the FB and TE's?

2. The future of the defense?

Several young Dolphin defenders will get a chance to show (for the first time in some cases) that they could be ready to follow in the large footsteps of Sam Madison, Pat Surtain, Zach Thomas and Jason Taylor.

Tony Bua, Will Poole, Eddie Moore, Derrick Pope, T.J.Bingham, Tony Brown, and Otis Grigsby are all under 25 yrs old. They could show that the future is as bright at the present.

3. The 2004 free agent class.

This will be our first chance to determine how much of an impact some of the veteran additions will make. Three are slated to start tonight (Reggie Howard, John St.Clair and Jeno James) while three others have a shot to win starting jobs including A.J.Feeley, Sammy Morris and Antuan Edwards.

4. The offensive line.

The biggest uncertainty of the 2004 Dolphins. Even more of a concern than the QB's and WR's, the O-line has been labeled by some observers as "one of the worst in the NFL". This will be their first chance to grow as a unit and develop some chemistry for the regular season.

How big of a mistake was it to let Todd Wade go? Will Wade Smith take it to the next level? Will the mediocre play of Jerman & Whitley force Vernon Carey to move to guard? This unit will be the key to Miami's success or failure in 2004.

5. (R.B.B.C.)..Running back by committee.

Another big key to the offenses success will be establishing a solid running game to set up play-action in the passing game. All reports indicate that Travis Minor is ready to assume the duty as the top RB and he certainly seems capable of a 1,000 yard season. Will the RBBC somehow do well enough to make us forget the loss of Jerky Williams?

How will Sammy Morris compliment Minor's running style? Can Lil' Frodo Russell make an impact as a change-of-pace back/3rd down back? Will Leonard Henry get healthy in time to get in the mix or will it be too late?
These preseason games are a great opportunity for AJ to show off his skills. I hope he makes the best of it which i think he will and undeniably wins our starting job.

Really wanna see dis new kid Will Poole been hearin alot about this guy, i hope he becomes what he was hyped up to be.

I also wanna see if Newson can step up and make some catches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Heard he has good hands and speed.
bahamathug said:
These preseason games are a great opportunity for AJ to show off his skills. I hope he makes the best of it which i think he will and undeniably wins our starting job.

Really wanna see dis new kid Will Poole been hearin alot about this guy, i hope he becomes what he was hyped up to be.

I also wanna see if Newson can step up and make some catches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Heard he has good hands and speed.

Believe me, I want A.J. to succeed...however I can't help but think that if he plays poorly tonight..someone will say that not only is he a bad "practice player", but he's a bad "pre-season player" as well....or people will use the excuse of the injuries to the WR's..I can see it now. Please play good tonight for everyone's sanity :pray:

Oh, I almost forgot..NO INJURIES TONIGHT!..please, I don't think I could take it.
bahamathug said:
These preseason games are a great opportunity for AJ to show off his skills. I hope he makes the best of it which i think he will and undeniably wins our starting job.

Really wanna see dis new kid Will Poole been hearin alot about this guy, i hope he becomes what he was hyped up to be.

I also wanna see if Newson can step up and make some catches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Heard he has good hands and speed.
k.newson will not play tonight it will be tolver,simmons,sippio,morris etc...
Well they can say what they want about the Qbs we will have all backup WRS in. I am exited to see what our new players do. I really want to see what Poole can do I have heard nothing but good things. I do know this during the scrimmage and the mock games the Jags offense struggled to do anything. Freddie T looked the best and I doubt he will play much tonight. I am also excited to Tolver and Simmons as well as Bua, Pope etc. I can't wait.

I'm also curious to see what Miami does on punt & kick returns. I haven't seen Russell there yet..he could be exciting.

This is a huge opportunity for Tolver and Simmons. This will be their best chance ever to prove they are worth keeping. If they don't do something tonight, it might be the beginning of the end for them.
Gladsadmad said:
Does anyone else have anything they're looking forward to tonight?


I just want to see the fins playing, even if its just preseason. Im looking forward to see everyone playing
How big of a mistake was it to let Todd Wade go? Will Wade Smith take it to the next level? Will the mediocre play of Jerman & Whitley force Vernon Carey to move to guard? This unit will be the key to Miami's success or failure in 2004.

I agree! The O-Line will be my focus tonight.
hey, gladsadmad I think you hit yhe nail right on the head, because i don't think i can handle another set back!!!!!!!!!!! let's see what happens and pray all DOLPHINS play will and injury free
1. Our O-Line, there going to go up against a pretty good d-line, how will they handle it?

2.The rookies, Poole gets to show right off the bat why he should have been a 1st round pick, Pope,Bua, and Hadnot get a chance to show why they should have been drafted higher, Carey gets a chance to show why he should start, and Russell gets a chance to show why he should have been drafted.

3.Tolver and Simmons. With Boston out, and Gadson and McKnight out of the picture for good. These two get to start with Chambers,Newson,and THompson out. With most of the WR posistions in question these two get to start tonight and prove if they should play in the NFL, for the fidt time in their careers they will be playing the best defense that a team has to offer.
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