5 Young Dolphins To Keep An Eye On... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

5 Young Dolphins To Keep An Eye On...


We Are Still Going To The SB
May 24, 2002
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Chris Chambers, Travis Minor, Morlon Greenwood, Arturo Freeman and Jamar Fletcher. These guys will player a major role in the team's success or failure this year.

By: Mercury

What do you guys think ?
In order of apperance; true, not so much now that Ricky is here, true, true, and a big true.
Originally posted by Sherif
If RW goes down I'd like to see Minor doing the majority of the work.
it is my understanding that Edwards is the backup HB
Originally posted by CRAZYDOLFAN305
Chris Chambers, Travis Minor, Morlon Greenwood, Arturo Freeman and Jamar Fletcher. These guys will player a major role in the team's success or failure this year.

By: Mercury

What do you guys think ?

if "young" is age, then Ricky is #1 and you need to add Wade and Jed Weaver possibly and take out Minor since he may not get a lot of plays except on STs
I wouldn't be surprised if they find a way for Minor to get 5-10 touches a game. He will get to play on the offense...situational 3rd down back, ST, and some designed plays.:eek:
Re: Re: 5 Young Dolphins To Keep An Eye On...

Originally posted by dolphan39

if "young" is age, then Ricky is #1 and you need to add Wade and Jed Weaver possibly and take out Minor since he may not get a lot of plays except on STs

Turner's had some success with using small backups. Wasn't he the one who did pretty well with Skip Hicks as a backup to Stephen Davis? (Remember my memory is shoddy so I could easily be mistaken that it was Skip Hicks)
You are correct sir...Also Ladanian Tomlinson is bu no means a BIG back either. And he rushed for like 1200 yds...as a rookie.:eek:
Originally posted by phins054
You are correct sir...Also Ladanian Tomlinson is bu no means a BIG back either. And he rushed for like 1200 yds...as a rookie.:eek:

Plus Tomlinson came from a small school, so Tomlinson had to adjust to NFL defenses.
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I will add Leonard Henry to that list ..He might make the team over Edwards but they might just carry all four....
personally, I do not even want to know whose RW's backup this year until he nears that 1500 yard/1st round pick plateau ;)
Think about it, there is no reason Ricky shouldn't do better than LT last year.

Jay Fiedler > Doug Flutie
Our O-line > Chargers O-Line
Chambers(Our spread the field guy) > Curtis Conway(I'm guessing he's their spread the field guy, I know nothing about him)
Ricky Williams > LT
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