A Complete Look at Terrell Owens | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

A Complete Look at Terrell Owens

For those of us who dont give a f__k about a players attitude just his production, you just wasted a lot of time by typing this obviously slanted view.
Bottom Line:
TO is the BEST WR in the game
TO would immediately make us a contender
TO will not put up with the BS that most of the Offensive players expound on this team.
TO should be a dolphin because, that is in the best interest of the dolphins
You called HIM slanted? Your response was the most hypocritical post I've seen this year...congrats.

TO is NOT the best WR in the game. I'll take Holt, Fitz, Boldin, Steve Smith, Chad Johnson and Marvin Harrison before him...and those are just off the top of my head.

TO would NOT immediately make us a contender, Unless he developed as a Q.B., can play right guard or corner he does'nt fill any need we have...unless you classify "need" as egotistical, coach killing, cancer as a "team need".

TO becoming a Dolphin is NOT in the best interest of the team. The "best" interest of the team is finding a road grading right guard, a young Q.B., another starting caliber outside linebacker, a safety, a corner, another young defensive tackle and a young, fast reciever.
unifiedtheory said:
You called HIM slanted? Your response was the most hypocritical post I've seen this year...congrats.

TO is NOT the best WR in the game. I'll take Holt, Fitz, Boldin, Steve Smith, Chad Johnson and Marvin Harrison before him...and those are just off the top of my head.

TO would NOT immediately make us a contender, Unless he developed as a Q.B., can play right guard or corner he does'nt fill any need we have...unless you classify "need" as egotistical, coach killing, cancer as a "team need".

TO becoming a Dolphin is NOT in the best interest of the team. The "best" interest of the team is finding a road grading right guard, a young Q.B., another starting caliber outside linebacker, a safety, a corner, another young defensive tackle and a young, fast reciever.

nice post!!!Some people really don't appreciate time and effort. Thanx for the nice read. I don't post on here alot but I do read just about everything. This was the best thing about T.O. Good Job!
infiltrateib said:
In summation: If 1) Terrell Owens would sign a contract that explicitly provides for a forfeit of his bonuses should he be found in violation of a character clause and 2) is released by the Eagles and 3) the Miami Dolphins have a WR corps that is sufficient WITHOUT OWENS (i.e., a #3 receiver who could play #2) and 4) the contract is team-friendly and allocates risk accordingly, I would be willing to pay him a top contract. After all, what's the risk? He can't destroy team chemistry if he's not counted on. He'll give back anything he screws up.

But this all is dependent upon TO being willing to sign a contract (likely lower than the highest bidder) for the Miami Dolphins that makes him responsible for his own actions. This is unlikely at best
This should be the definitive thread on TO, and all other TO threads should be merged into it.

That said, the part I quoted is the most compelling part to me, and it echoes what I've said about TO all along: if we can sign him to a contract that allows us to cut him at a moment's notice without taking a substantial cap hit, then do it. If not, forget it. And you don't wait until TO is destroying your Super Bowl run before you cut him -- you do it as soon as he does anything remotely resembling what he's done in the past. That's right -- you CUT HIM RIGHT THEN. No reprimands, no asked-for apologies, nothing. Cut him.

And the point about having a viable #2 WR playing behind him is a great one too.
For those of us who dont give a f__k about a players attitude just his production
I think there are quite a few 49ers and Eagles fans who used to feel that way.
Since when are we concerned with Ethics in Football.. That is very altruistic of you to suggest that we should be evaluating a players morals. Quite obviously you take football way past the sport aspect and you are interjecting a form of moralist bend to it. We need violent, nasty , un-nice people to play the sport. Now back to your madden comment, the only intangibles I want (and quite frankly alot of "normal" football fans as well) is desire, effort and intestinal fortitude. Save the morals for Sunday mass not Sunday's games !!!
If we were talking about an individual sport like boxing, tennis, or golf, I'd agree, but in a team sport the intangibles that influence the way a team plays together are pretty damn important IMO.

For those of us who dont give a f__k about a players attitude just his production, you just wasted a lot of time by typing this obviously slanted view.
Bottom Line:
TO is the BEST WR in the game
TO would immediately make us a contender
TO will not put up with the BS that most of the Offensive players expound on this team.
TO should be a dolphin because, that is in the best interest of the dolphins

YOU HAVE GAT TO BE JOKIN!!!!!! Anyone who can't see the cancerous and desstructive nature of Terrell Owens obviously doesn't live in the real world.And as tough as I believe the Nicktator to be I do believe the T.O. would be a hand full(for him,the rest of the coaching staff and all the players). I have to say that INFILTRATEIB "you da man".You hit this baby right on the head.
Sorry, but I don't have time to go through this thread and am really just looking on posting my opinion on this whole TO coming to Miami crap.

Nick Saban has been on the job for 13 months and while some might find it significant to note that Saban has been on the job for "only" 13 months, I find it more interesting that during this "brief" time period he has yet to make really one mistake that someone could suggest has hurt us and if you are to take into account that he brought back Ricky despite all the nay-sayers who said that wouldn't work and proven quite wrong, I for one will have no problem with Nick bringing in TO if he thinks he can make it work because one thing has become clear is if Nick thinks it can work, it usually means it will work.

My countless and continuous sleepless nights under Wannstedt worrying what damage he is doing to my team has been replaced by the comfort and control sleep that Saban has brought to me.
Nick is God said:
Sorry, but I don't have time to go through this thread and am really just looking on posting my opinion on this whole TO coming to Miami crap.

Nick Saban has been on the job for 13 months and while some might find it significant to note that Saban has been on the job for "only" 13 months, I find it more interesting that during this "brief" time period he has yet to make really one mistake that someone could suggest has hurt us and if you are to take into account that he brought back Ricky despite all the nay-sayers who said that wouldn't work and proven quite wrong, I for one will have no problem with Nick bringing in TO if he thinks he can make it work because one thing has become clear is if Nick thinks it can work, it usually means it will work.

My countless and continuous sleepless nights under Wannstedt worrying what damage he is doing to my team has been replaced by the comfort and control sleep that Saban has brought to me.

I lean towards this view. I would feel more comfprtable not dealing with TO but being comfortable doesnt win championships. TO aside from his antics and demanding money which he is worth, he works hard all the time. He is great and if only Philly had thrown to him more in the SB, they might have won. TO does so much more than Chambers as far as covering the whole field and he does not drop many balls. I think this would actually help CC to become better. I have faith in Saban. His choice will be best because he will look at it from all angles before making the move. We certainly would have a mighty WR core and probably the best in the league.
What I see with TO is he simply wants to win ...

He feels that he does his JOB on the field ... and he EXPECTS everyone else to do theirs. If they don't he starts calling folks out, publicly.

That's fine if you do that in the confines of the locker room - but NOT with the media and the public. That is the challenge with him - he is NOT a family guy -- and for those that 'believe' that SABAN or anyone can put a muzzle on him doesn't understand people. Some folks also like to compare Ricky and TO .. and you just can't do that .... their situations are in NO way comparable.

Most managers dream of a talent like TO and what he brings to the field ... but you can't live with his mouth.

That said, if I were a GM -- I would NOT bring TO to my team. Equally, if this were baseball and you could 'rent' a player midseason for a playoff run - then TO would be a perfect fit ...
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