Seasoned Veteran
Sorry guys........they're not the best. It was my roomate's camera, I barely know how to use it, and there was only room for a couple. Couldn't really get any motion pics, I don't think the camera was really built for that.
I had an awesome time today, and I thank everyone that gave me advice on autographs last night, because I got a couple of good ones. I got Jason Allen, Marty Booker, Damion McIntosh, Vernon Carey, and Manny Wright all to sign my panel ball, and they were all really cool about it. I'm sorry that I can't give as in depth of a camp report as everyone else, but how these guys are able to focus in on the details they do is completely beyond me. All I can say is that everyone looked pretty darn good to me. Daunte seemed like the only thing holding him back was his knee brace. He definetely likes to dump off short, but he had a couple of nice deep ones today as well. He was better in the morning 7-on-7's than he was in the afternoon. I thought Joey looked pretty darn good for a guy who is in the middle of a crash course with a new offense and new team. Cleo Lemon seemed to be a little off the mark today, but it was the first day of camp, so I'll cut him some slack. Surely all the others will fill you in a little better, but I just thought I would let you guys know I had a great time, and I highly recommend it for those who have never been.
I had an awesome time today, and I thank everyone that gave me advice on autographs last night, because I got a couple of good ones. I got Jason Allen, Marty Booker, Damion McIntosh, Vernon Carey, and Manny Wright all to sign my panel ball, and they were all really cool about it. I'm sorry that I can't give as in depth of a camp report as everyone else, but how these guys are able to focus in on the details they do is completely beyond me. All I can say is that everyone looked pretty darn good to me. Daunte seemed like the only thing holding him back was his knee brace. He definetely likes to dump off short, but he had a couple of nice deep ones today as well. He was better in the morning 7-on-7's than he was in the afternoon. I thought Joey looked pretty darn good for a guy who is in the middle of a crash course with a new offense and new team. Cleo Lemon seemed to be a little off the mark today, but it was the first day of camp, so I'll cut him some slack. Surely all the others will fill you in a little better, but I just thought I would let you guys know I had a great time, and I highly recommend it for those who have never been.