A different view on this draft......IMO | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

A different view on this draft......IMO


Mad and Surt...Legendary
Club Member
Nov 9, 2004
Reaction score
East Coast
IMO....I think it sucks that we finally had a crap year and got a high pick, and are stuck with it in this draft. After much thought, I don't really like any one of the players constantly mentioned (not that I will dislike the pick, just stating from a pure "we must have him" aspect). I think everyone is just talking about it because we have to pick :lol:

QB....No one there to Wow you like previous drafts. Good, but inflated due to lack of a pure #1 franchise HOSS!!
RB....Too much constant flip flopping on who is the best, not to mention we don't have an O-line settled on yet so who cares who we have. Morris or Gordon could do the equivalent.
WR....We have Chambers (who still hasn't been able to flourish because of our offensive scheme/QB) and Booker and McMichael to focus on receiving playmakers
OL....See QB above.
S.....way too early to draft a safety
CB....like we need another that early, might as well pay Surtain then

Yeah, so many are going to see that as pessimistic, but this is a great draft to obtain depth and fill a hole if there is only one or two needed on your club and you know that person will slide in and fill it. However, we have too many needs that depend on other unknowns...
Schleprock said:
IMO....I think it sucks that we finally had a crap year and got a high pick, and are stuck with it in this draft. After much thought, I don't really like any one of the players constantly mentioned (not that I will dislike the pick, just stating from a pure "we must have him" aspect). I think everyone is just talking about it because we have to pick :lol:

QB....No one there to Wow you like previous drafts. Good, but inflated due to lack of a pure #1 franchise HOSS!!
RB....Too much constant flip flopping on who is the best, not to mention we don't have an O-line settled on yet so who cares who we have. Morris or Gordon could do the equivalent.
WR....We have Chambers (who still hasn't been able to flourish because of our offensive scheme/QB) and Booker and McMichael to focus on receiving playmakers
OL....See QB above.
S.....way too early to draft a safety
CB....like we need another that early, might as well pay Surtain then

Yeah, so many are going to see that as pessimistic, but this is a great draft to obtain depth and fill a hole if there is only one or two needed on your club and you know that person will slide in and fill it. However, we have too many needs that depend on other unknowns...

Maybe you where so blown away by players in different drafts because you couldnt have them. My point is that now we have the chance to get about anybody we want we go through and critique every player find what is wrong with their game and make that stick out like a huge red flag. In previous drafts we all knew we where going to get a E Manning, Rivers, Rothlisberger, Winslow, Fitzgerald. We knew that we couldnt get them so we didnt pay that much attention to them.

There are good players coming out of the draft every year. Sometimes they may be more appartent than other times, but I think we do have some standout RB's and WR's coming out this year. One of the QB's Rodgers or Smith is going to have a good pro carreer. Everybody is just being so critical of most players because we can have about anybody and everybody wants to make the right choice.
Schleprock said:
IMO....I think it sucks that we finally had a crap year and got a high pick, and are stuck with it in this draft. After much thought, I don't really like any one of the players constantly mentioned (not that I will dislike the pick, just stating from a pure "we must have him" aspect). I think everyone is just talking about it because we have to pick :lol:

QB....No one there to Wow you like previous drafts. Good, but inflated due to lack of a pure #1 franchise HOSS!!
RB....Too much constant flip flopping on who is the best, not to mention we don't have an O-line settled on yet so who cares who we have. Morris or Gordon could do the equivalent.
WR....We have Chambers (who still hasn't been able to flourish because of our offensive scheme/QB) and Booker and McMichael to focus on receiving playmakers
OL....See QB above.
S.....way too early to draft a safety
CB....like we need another that early, might as well pay Surtain then

Yeah, so many are going to see that as pessimistic, but this is a great draft to obtain depth and fill a hole if there is only one or two needed on your club and you know that person will slide in and fill it. However, we have too many needs that depend on other unknowns...

I've been hearing this before every draft for years, here is a great article on the subject.

IMO....I think it sucks that we finally had a crap year and got a high pick, and are stuck with it in this draft. After much thought, I don't really like any one of the players constantly mentioned (not that I will dislike the pick, just stating from a pure "we must have him" aspect). I think everyone is just talking about it because we have to pick

I agree with you for the most part, but I think Smith will be special. He is only 20 and hasn't physically grown into his body yet. Nevertheless, Smith will probably go first, and we won't get him. I'm not excited about drafting WR or RB second especially with the depth at those positions. I hope Saban goes on the conteroffensive with a new PR strategy for the draft because the 49ers sure put us in check. :fire:
A subjective re-ranking of the 2000 draft based on performance in the NFL would eliminate 19 of the 31 first-round picks. Among those in their place would be four players who were not even drafted and five players chosen in the last two rounds, including Brady.

From the article BlueFin referenced^^ That is basically what I am getting at. Much rather have multiple picks in the low 1st round/2nd round/3rd round...then having to decide who to pick near the top of round 1 and then waiting till round 3. IMO no one helps us at that high a spot.

the problem with our team last year was not in the players. It was in the TEAM COHESIVENESS, offensive scheme, offensive line play, and defensive line play. So far we have addressed all those with how we feel we are going to correct them. until the season gets going we won't know if that worked. Edwards seems like a phenomenal talent, so does Brown/Benson/Caddy, but what the hell are they really going to do if our DL gets injured again and can't plug the middle? Or if our O-line sucks again and we can't open running lanes or allow the chosen QB to get the ball to our great receivers? At least we don't have to worry with the Wanny group adding to the BS problems off the field.
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