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A draft question?


Practice Squad
Mar 10, 2005
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Who says the Miami Dolphins are running a 3 - 4 defense? Do we actually have the players to do this? I am a fan of the 3 - 4 if you have the players to run it and I dont think we do. With the draft coming up there are no true
3 - 4 players in it either on defense.

Just for a second think what happens if we run a 4 - 3 defense. All of a sudden Chris Long/Gholston/Dorsey are no longer undersized or are they out of position. If we run a 4 - 3 would this change the tune of many people who are selecting other players in the draft?

If we run a 3 - 4 I dont like any of the above mentioned players, yet love them in a 4 - 3 defense.

Never the less I would pick Jake Long if we run a 3 - 4 defense for he is the safe pick on the oline. Yet I could come around if we ran a 4 - 3 with the other players.

Does anyone agree with me?
Well when pressed to name his defensive starters, Sparano mentioned the lineup in a 3-4 base. Its what Parcells prefers and he brought in coaches and assistants to run this defense. Its why we have inside and outside LB coaches. I will be very shocked if we dont run a 3-4 this year.

Personnel wise, we have some pieces for the 3-4. Jason Ferguson was brought here in a trade to be the NT. Randy Starks was brought in to play end and NT. Torbor and Anderson were brought in to provide size at LB. Vonnie Holliday can play end in the 3-4. Porter has played in the 3-4 most of his career although i dont think he is in miami much longer. Rod Wright can play end. We have enough pieces to play in the 3-4 and we will add more in the draft. Kendall Langford is a guy I really like as an end. Chris Long I love as an OLB. Quentin Groves as an WOLB. Guys like Curtis Johnson and Darrell Robertson I like in the later rounds. Kelly Pop***** would make a good ILB. Same with Curtis Lofton.
gholston is the best fit in the 3-4 scheme

I would disagree with that, I think Chris Long moves and runs alot better than Gholston. And anyway if the FO isnt sure what type of defense they're going to run then Jake Long would be the best pick, because he wouldnt affect it either way.
gholston is the best fit in the 3-4 scheme

Not really, if you watched the combines, Gholston did run faster, but Chris Long was more fluid, and showed better able to move around. In a 3-4, whichever Linebacker we get will have to be as good in coverage, as he will pass-rushing, and stopping the run.

1. Rushing the pass : Gholston
2. Stopping the run : Long
3. In coverage : Long
4. More of a disruption : Long
5. Read & React : Long

Ghosten Could still become better then Long in most of those categories with a much higher ceiling, but for now, Long is the better prospect.
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