A Few Thoughts | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

A Few Thoughts


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Sep 29, 2001
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On an island
This draft was an extreme disapointment. We may have had some good picks late, but we didn't improve our team as much as we should have. Many of you are defending this draft, and I am usually incredibly optimistic, but it just wasn't a good draft. I have heard of all of talk about "if we didn't draft Moore someone else would have later in the round." Fine, maybe Tampa or Cleveland would have taken him, but that is no excuse to make a reach in the second round to take some guy to play special teams. When you draft a guy with a second round pick, espicially when it is your first pick of the draft, it should be a pick that you intend to do something with that is bigger than playing special teams. Wannstedt even said after the pick on ESPN that he doesn't think Moore will contend for a starting spot. There was a lot of talent there, and because other teams were going to reach for the guy isn't a reason for the Miami Dolphins to reach for Eddie Moore. There were some solid picks, like Wade Smith, Donald Lee, etc., but the first pick was a major disapointment.

Now I see all of this "Wannstedt defending." Do you guys remember December 29th, 2002? The day when we lost to New England, a day when we found out we missed the playoffs. We should have won that game, and who blew it? The coaches. It was so pathetic that it is unbelievable. Dave Wannstedt did a terrible coaching job last year. He can't motivate, which showed when he put a lobster trap on top on the locker room with the Vikings logo on it. With Wannstedt, we were prepared for big games, but there were a lot of games against inferior teams that we lost because of lack of preparation and because of underestimating the opponent. When this kind of stuff happens, the coach is the main person to blame. Jim Bates is a terrible defensive coordinator as well I may add. With the talent on our roster last year, we should have been a lot better.

I am hoping this year will be better, and I think it will, but all of this Wannstedt defending is just ridiculous. If you remember last season, he was our biggest problem. The Fiedler injury did hurt us a lot, but Dave's terrible coaching did as well. I think this year will be very successful, but if it isn't, I really hope we fire Wannstedt, because I am sick of everything he does, every STUPID thing he says (he didn't take a WR at #49 because "all of the WRs we were interested in were taken" according to Dave), and just his coaching overall. I really hope we can turn it around, but it makes me sick how many have suddenly decided to defend Wannstedt, because he was the biggest reason for our downfall last year.
Gee ice, I coulda swore that it was players on the field 12/29/02....I didn't see Wannstedt out there at all....what position did he play???

., but the first pick was a major disapointment.

Are you sending us this quote from the future?
Originally posted by inFINSible
Gee ice, I coulda swore that it was players on the field 12/29/02....I didn't see Wannstedt out there at all....what position did he play???


Are you sending us this quote from the future?

Infins, he meant they made the wrong calls.
The calls were the calls, the plays weren't executed properly...period.
Originally posted by inFINSible
Gee ice, I coulda swore that it was players on the field 12/29/02....I didn't see Wannstedt out there at all....what position did he play???


Are you sending us this quote from the future?

Moore could turn out to be a great pick, I really hope he does, but at the same time I think we could have easily picked a better player. I hope I turn out to be wrong with that.

With Wannstedt, sure he wasn't playing, but you can't put everything on the players. He has a responsibility, which is to coach, and on that day he did a terrible job, espicially at the end, which forced the game into OT, and the rest is history. :(
Originally posted by inFINSible
The calls were the calls, the plays weren't executed properly...period.

The calls were the problem. With three or two minutes left, we should not have passed three times, espicially when Ricky was running all over NE all day. Wannstedt's explanation: "there were 8 men in the box." Excuse me Dave, there were 8 men in the box all day long, and Ricky did fine.
Ice this topic has been discussed ad nauseum...so I'm not going to recap the plays but there were receivers open twice that Fielder missed and you know why he missed ?...Because there were 14 patriots on the field and 10 of them were in the backfield a second and halff after the snap.....I'm sure you would have loved seeing Ricky with the ball but I would bet my life that he would never have gotten back to the line of scrimmage .....if that.
No actually he was being help up pretty well in the middle and it is tough fighting out for yardage by the goal line. It is very risky. Watch what would have happened if Thompson were there catching it he would not have dropped it like Ward.
bottom line is if the catch was made, and jay put it right in the ole breadbasket. game over. this is classic monday morning quarterbacking. they gave us the pass the coach made the right call player didn't execute.
For what it's worth, I was appauled the moment they let JJ bring in DW as "Assistant Head Coach". It established him as the de facto heir apparent and eliminated any real possibility of an open process for succession, -- coaches who might have stepped forward to compete didn't bother, and Jimmy helped grease everything for DW.

I think Wanny is a GREAT guy, very decent and respectable. He may yet get the job done, but if we go thru this window in Fins history without a SuperBowl (even a loss, for crying out loud), never will a HC have done less with so much.

I will be cheering the team and crediting Wanny for every accomplishment, but I never wanted the guy as head coach. Not then, not now, not ever. If we win the SuperBowl, I will be glad to append the above comments as my signature. I'll be THRILLED we won and I'll give him much credit, but it won't change my view.

Does anyone else out there feel this way?
I sure as hell do not want another Super Bowl loss.
I don't blame the Vikings game or New England game on Wannstedt at all... The players just didn't get the job done.. That's it. The three pass plays were the best decisions Wannstedt and Norv made all year, it just didn't work out, not becuase they were bad calls, but because the players couldn't get it done.. Ricky Williams was amazing in that NE game but there were absolutely very few holes through the line all day, every big run was a designed run up the middle and Ricky had to bounce it outside.. Possessions before the final Miami possession had Ricky rushing for -1 yards on 2 carries because the line was getting pushed back and no holes were opened up... If you ask me, the game should of been over when Jat Fiedler over threw JAmes Mcknight on a post pattern and Mcknight had his guy beat by 3-4 yards.. Completely wide open and Fiedler completely choked and overthrew him.. That would of been a TD instead of 3 points.. But of course, Wannstedt missed that FG late in 4th quarter and Wannstedt kicked the kickoff out of bounds and Wannstedt couldn't get open on a pass play.. Enough of this "looking for a scape goat"... Miami as a team lost the game and Wannstedt and Turner made the right calls to win the game... They just didn't produce, execute.. Had Wannstedt chose to run the ball 2 times and punted..And had the same result happened.. Wannstedt would be pegged as being conservative.. an the time that he showed a killer instinct.. Everyone wants his head.. Makes no sense, It's a no win situation when your a Miami head coach.. Either way, fans will try to spin it to where it's the coaches fault.. But it's not.. That is why Wannstedt is doing exactly what my SIGNATURE says...

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