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About the game


Practice Squad
Oct 14, 2002
Reaction score
Rhode Island
Turk, on that last punt came up HUUUUUUUUUUUGE. That was such a low snap, and then he get's off a rocket! Then of course the costly muff on the catch.

Fiedler, oh man, love this guy or hate this guy, he saved our butt's tonight. He may not have won us this game, but his presence did, but I believe we owe this victory to him.

Hassleback wrecked this defense, it was horrible to see, I couldn't believe what the guy was doing to our defense, unreal, never would have though that would happen. But the defense rebounded and came together when we needed them to, coming up with a big stop.

Ricky was running very very well, I have to say I loved that. Chambers making amazing catches! Wooo how bout that one hander, heh.

The offensive line played a very good game considering the players, I ahve to say I am happy with that.

That was a great comeback, you have to love every bit of that. Miami played an awesome game once fiedler got back in there.

Welcome back Jay Fiedler, and maybe welcome back to the miami offense?
dont kid yourself dude. jay won us this ball game. griese is terrible and is a statue waiting to get killed. jay gives us more options and i think norv started using them with him tonight. jay aside, i think the coaching from top to bottom sucks really really bad. no emotion from the HC who just sits there like a friggin loser! it doesnt matter how far we go this year, we aint going to no SB and these coaches need to go!
I am not kidding myself, I am saying Jay won us that game. Him being in there, made us win that game, helped us get the offense going, that is what I said.
Then you must not watch the same coach as me. He did some ballsy stuff tonight on the 4 and goal and putting Fiedler in. I think the commentators of the game said it best it isn't really Wanny's fault it has alot to do with the players.
That was awful, I was hoping the next put to him would go out of bounds, I was scared he would do it again....
What happened to Sam Simmons? I thought I saw him laying on the field longer than usual after a return as the game went to commercial. Anyone know the extent of his apparent injury?
Originally posted by Williams34Phins
I am not kidding myself, I am saying Jay won us that game. Him being in there, made us win that game, helped us get the offense going, that is what I said.

no you said, "he may have not won this game for us tonight....." but ill let it slide, i get your drift. but dont kid yourself, jay won us this ball game tonght!:D
Originally posted by Z28&dolfan
That Newsome fumble was all Wanny :rolleyes:.

i thought so too but then thought that simmons was injured on the last punt return. i think thats what happend cus wanny cnat be that stupid can he? simmons was doing good. i think simmons should be doing kickoff returns too.
Originally posted by eckerdguy
Then you must not watch the same coach as me. He did some ballsy stuff tonight on the 4 and goal and putting Fiedler in. I think the commentators of the game said it best it isn't really Wanny's fault it has alot to do with the players.

whatever, wanny shows no emotion whatsoever. head coaches need to show emotion to their players. plain and simple. look, i like wanny, but he is acting like he has givin up.
Who was it on the dolphins that finally recovered the fumble on the last punt return... I missed it.
James McKnight recovered the fumbled and Sam Simmons hurt his ankle.

I don't think it matters who we have back their on kickoff returns b/c there is just no blocking. Minor did a decent job last year but this year he's doing nothing. Every week you see a kickoff or punt returned for a touchdown or a big gain or a blocked field goal
that completely changes the momentum. And every week its a team other than the Dolphins doing it. It's so frustrating. I would love to see a blocked punt or field goal, that would be the greatest thing in the world. But we don't even attempt to block either one, why not?
Don't get me wrong Tim Hasselback had a nice night, real efficient but the real damage was done by the Washington rushing game. Together Chad Morton and Trung Canidate ran 28 times for 116 yards. Everyone talks about the fun and gun but Spurrier typically runs about 50% of the time in both college and now in the pros and tonight the Skins ran like 32 times and threw 34 times. When you are able to run on our defense it opens up a LOT of other avenues of scoring.

They spread us out, and ran the ball on draws and delays and misdirection, and it worked as well as it ever has against our D. Zach Thomas needs to do a better job one on one with guys and Jim Bates needs to start calling more blitzes when they are spreading us out like that. In the second half, they did a lot better I thought. Bates called more outside blitzes that stymied those runs, and the pressure got seriously turned up on Tim Hasselback to make plays and win the game...and he could not do it. He finished 15 for 30 with 150 yards, 1 TD, 1 INT....hardly the stuff of legend. He did his damage in the first half though. We did ours in the 2nd. Tale of two halves.
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