Acefin's dolphin Memorial dream. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Acefin's dolphin Memorial dream.

Lorenzo Rules

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Aug 14, 2008
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I am wondering if I Had the money would buying a building somwhere in miami and turning it into a memorial with a eatery in one room and a large room for player and coach memobilia . would this be a bad idea ? what do you guys think about a thing like this . I am possibly going to get me a doublewide mobile home and i had a idea of converting one room into a tribute to the miami dolphins .

can you guys give me list of players that are the hardest players to find things of but could posibly find. and a example of players that I shouldnt have any trouble finding .

I think i can find Dan Marino, Bob Greise Jay Feidler stuff but what about Keith Jackson , O.J Mcduffie or a Bruce Hardy or a Jake Scott ? so if do this i think it would be a great idea . at least have my own home with a dolphins room would be cool . if any of you have any ideas please let me know .
First off, why would you want anything to do with Keith Jackson. As for Jake Scott, he's only done two signings that I know of. I happened to be at one of those signings and got him to autograph a mini helmet for me (along with Csonka and Langer).
you might find one of Starks vehicles at auction. take people on a tour & see how many you can cram in there.
cowboy 82 do you dislike Keith Jackson ? well i like Keith and have heard great things about him.
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