Adam Gase offensive scheme in Denver very informative | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Adam Gase offensive scheme in Denver very informative

I agree Peyton the best ever in my opinion. But from all the game film I watched over the last 2 days to get a feel for Gase. Over 80% of the formations and motioning was predetermined pre snap with only a few audibles out of those sets. Etch a sketch my ass prove me wrong, you can't your just trying to attribute all the success to the players talent. The film doesn't lie Gase put them all in position for a record breaking year and hats off to Denvers players for executing it wonderfully.

Are you kidding me? Prove you wrong? That's actually pretty easy. The Bears did not have Peyton Manning, Demaryius Thomas, Eric Decker, or Julius Thomas. And they scored 21 points per game. Talent level has everything to do with production. Everything.
Are you kidding me? Prove you wrong? That's actually pretty easy. The Bears did not have Peyton Manning, Demaryius Thomas, Eric Decker, or Julius Thomas. And they scored 21 points per game. Talent level has everything to do with production. Everything.

So why not the same numbers for Denver in 2013 and 2015. Why did Peyton have his best year with Gase? Hell never mind you didn't want Gase that's apparent. I have no idea how he'll do as a head guy but do see how intelligent of an offensive mind he is. You give him no credit for what he did in Denver and you're wrong
Hey look, another one.

Are you the thread police? We HIRED A NEW COACH people wanna talk about it imagine that. I personally don't like digging through a 35 page thread to find an article I might want to check out. Feel free to start a thread about, Dawn Aponte, Andrew Franks, Kelvin Sheppard or any other thing you might want to discuss

Good article
So why not the same numbers for Denver in 2013 and 2015. Why did Peyton have his best year with Gase? Hell never mind you didn't want Gase that's apparent. I have no idea how he'll do as a head guy but do see how intelligent of an offensive mind he is. You give him no credit for what he did in Denver and you're wrong

Manning hasn't been healthy this year, and Kubiak tried to force his system onto Manning, rather than letting Manning play the way he wanted to play. So if you want me to give Gase credit for allowing Manning to play the way he wanted to play, I have no problem doing that. We don't have Peyton Manning in Miami.
Are you the thread police? We HIRED A NEW COACH people wanna talk about it imagine that. I personally don't like digging through a 35 page thread to find an article I might want to check out. Feel free to start a thread about, Dawn Aponte, Andrew Franks, Kelvin Sheppard or any other thing you might want to discuss

Good article

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with his ability to get the most out of the talent he has by putting in the best situation most of the time, which that's all you can really want from a coach.

Manning hasn't been healthy this year, and Kubiak tried to force his system onto Manning, rather than letting Manning play the way he wanted to play. So if you want me to give Gase credit for allowing Manning to play the way he wanted to play, I have no problem doing that. We don't have Peyton Manning in Miami.
Why does finheaven always hype up a new hire? It's getting old. I know nothing about gase but just hearing ppl say he was manning offensive coordinator makes me laugh. Manning is his own coordinator, that is part of the reason he is a hall of fame qb. I would of kept Campbell.

Why do Finheaven members always whine like a bunch of petulant children whenever this team makes any move?
Hey this is interesting stuff..."astute pre snap coverage and blitz ids"...something i think is a major strength of tannehills...moving the alpha wr inside the formation in trips to get off coverage and get good matchups (in miami that should be parker)...extensive use of 11 and 12 personnel (ie miamis bread and butter) and faking the wr screens and attacking the void behind it with vertical concepts...the extra ot to help establish the run and play a more power downhill game

I will say if miami wants to play so much in 11 personnel in our division and that 2016 schedule gase better fix the oline
Hey this is interesting stuff..."astute pre snap coverage and blitz ids"...something i think is a major strength of tannehills...moving the alpha wr inside the formation in trips to get off coverage and get good matchups (in miami that should be parker)...extensive use of 11 and 12 personnel (ie miamis bread and butter) and faking the wr screens and attacking the void behind it with vertical concepts...the extra ot to help establish the run and play a more power downhill game

I will say if miami wants to play so much in 11 personnel in our division and that 2016 schedule gase better fix the oline

Absolutely right, I think that'll be a big thing addressed from Gase off the get. I wish we had one Miami journalists with half the ability of durkin, but they better suited for flipping tmz then professional sports, sad just sad a city as big as Miami has so many ass clowns covering are team.
I'm trying to be optimistic. The fact is of what we know is he has been a decent OC that was able to work with some talented qbs. I can't even judge his work with Peyton. Peyton is his own coach and though there have been glowing remarks made by peyton, what do you expect? His work with cutler was more commendable allowing him to cut down on his turnovers. Tannehill doesn't have turnover problems. Alot of things Tannehill has issues with may not be teachable. I don't know how he will be able to fix Tannehilla accuracy or instinct issues. There's a lot that needs to be done that needs attention other than Tannehill and that is where it gets cloudy. There's more unknown than known with this coach and I believe the dolphins deserve some clear solutions and not on the job training and trail and error.
Interesting duties for Gase. Be a HC, OC, AND fix Tannehill. That's a lot for one man. Being named the qb whisperer means that he has the job of making Ryan work finally. If he doesn't who does Miami roll with? Gase, or Tannehill stays with another coach leaving? I have a feeling that since this is Ryan's last year of a rock solid contract, he has to get better and make the FO believe it. Of course if he doesn't, it'll be like the Lazor Ryan first year. They are new to each other and need another year.

It's frustrating to keep hearing one more year all the time.
Hey this is interesting stuff..."astute pre snap coverage and blitz ids"...something i think is a major strength of tannehills...moving the alpha wr inside the formation in trips to get off coverage and get good matchups (in miami that should be parker)...extensive use of 11 and 12 personnel (ie miamis bread and butter) and faking the wr screens and attacking the void behind it with vertical concepts...the extra ot to help establish the run and play a more power downhill game

I will say if miami wants to play so much in 11 personnel in our division and that 2016 schedule gase better fix the oline

There are plenty of examples on how Gase will use the talent and be a much better offensive mind than Philbin/Lazor.

What's funny is Gase showed the two of them a legit answer/formation change, by adding a 6th linemen vs the Fins, to help the porous OL and neither one of them thought to incorporate it in their offense. If I'm worried that my QB isn't the answer then that is something I would definitely do, not have him throw more.

What this really shows me is that Philbin/Lazor where to stubborn to change, didn't get imput from any outside sources (including their own players) and basically anything I hear about them bashing a player on the team is sour grapes because in my mind when it came to developing an offensive philosophy those two just didn't ****ing get it.
Are you kidding me? Prove you wrong? That's actually pretty easy. The Bears did not have Peyton Manning, Demaryius Thomas, Eric Decker, or Julius Thomas. And they scored 21 points per game. Talent level has everything to do with production. Everything.

The fact that Gase got any production out of what Bears had to work with is pretty impressive...

Like, the hire, don't like the hire...he's here for the next 3 years...

One of things we should get out of the way...

Gase did call plays in Denver, it has been reported during the telcasts as well as well as articles that Gase was relaying the plays to Manning...

Between plays on the field, Peyton Manning appears just a bit unhinged. The body language is manic, an eruption of gesticulating arms, twiddling fingers and fidgeting, stamping feet.

It is as if he hears voices in his head.

And for several seconds between each play, through tiny speakers in his helmet, Manning is listening to someone. It is a big responsibility to be the person talking in Manning’s ear. That person calls the plays that could decide Sunday’s Super Bowl for the Denver Broncos. It is a job that would seem to take on-field experience.

But Adam Gase, the 35-year-old offensive coordinator who instructs Manning between plays, never played professional or college football. On his high school team, he was an average player. And this season is the first time he has called plays at any level. Oh, yes, and in 2013 Gase designed and directed an offense that scored more points in a season than any other team in N.F.L. history.

Also, he's been called one of the best offensive minds for a while...Here is an Article in which Mike Martz breaks down what Gase was able to do in Denver...

Martz hones in on one particular run. With 9:28 left in the first quarter, Montee Ball runs off tackle for four yards. No big deal, right? Watch again. There’s motion on the bottom of the screen. Gase knows from his film study that it’s de facto policy for the Colts to drop the strongside safety into the box when the offense is in a bunch formation, and to retreat the weakside safety. So he motions a receiver into bunch, and Manning immediately calls for the snap.



Ball takes the handoff with both safeties out of their ideal positions; one is even retreating away from the play. If Ball had made it beyond the first level, he had nothing but open field.
“This is big,” Martz says. “Playing defense is about rules. If you understand their rules, you can put them in bad positions.”

That one example...he continues to go through some other examples and refers to Gase and creating "Matchup Nightmares" Its a good read...
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