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Adam Sheffter on NFL Total Access


Going Ghost
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Jan 20, 2004
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Harrisburg, PA
On NFL Total Access Sheffter just gave the most accurate report of what's going on with Smith and the 9ers.

He basically said they still don't know who they will pick, but Aaron Rodgers has come out publicly and said he wants to sign a contract. Because of this, the 9ers know they can sign him at a minute's notice so they are trying to see how close they can come to signing Alex Smith.
This works two ways- they also want to wait as long as possible with Smith, so a team like the Bucs will trade up.

They will take Rodgers.
Dolfan1000 said:
This works two ways- they also want to wait as long as possible with Smith, so a team like the Bucs will trade up.

They will take Rodgers.

I agree, they will take Rodgers. I think the 9ers were just jealous of us getting all of the trade talk. Nolan is just trying to play all of the other teams out there to try and get more picks. In the end I think they will take Rodgers, but who knows...we will find out soon enough.
surtainian said:
I agree, they will take Rodgers. I think the 9ers were just jealous of us getting all of the trade talk. Nolan is just trying to play all of the other teams out there to try and get more picks. In the end I think they will take Rodgers, but who knows...we will find out soon enough.

I don't think it's jealousy...I think they realized that by talking seriously with Smith that Tampa or Cleveland or whoever likes Smith might trade with them. They saw how it was working for Saban and figured what's good for the goose is good for the gander....I don't blame them.

An interesting thing in all of this is that it's possible that Saban has simply created a market for not only the #2 pick but also for Smith and possibly Edwards simply by letting people ONLY know that he'll take the best overall player no matter what. Then again maybe I'm giving Saban too much credit. This is funny, I'm enjoying trying to figure Saban out. We'll see come draft day.
I dont think that they will pick either of the two QBs. I believe that they will trade the pick away to the Vikings.
zephon said:
I don't think it's jealousy...I think they realized that by talking seriously with Smith that Tampa or Cleveland or whoever likes Smith might trade with them. They saw how it was working for Saban and figured what's good for the goose is good for the gander....I don't blame them.

An interesting thing in all of this is that it's possible that Saban has simply created a market for not only the #2 pick but also for Smith and possibly Edwards simply by letting people ONLY know that he'll take the best overall player no matter what. Then again maybe I'm giving Saban too much credit. This is funny, I'm enjoying trying to figure Saban out. We'll see come draft day.

Let's hope that Saban really is the Evil Genius we're wishing for.
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
brparkway said:
Let's hope that Saban really is the Evil Genius we're wishing for.
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I/We can hope....but like I said...until I see him do something, I might be giving him too much credit. I'm one of the few who hasn't and won't annoint him "Grand Puba" until he goes through a whole off-season and season.
brparkway said:
Let's hope that Saban really is the Evil Genius we're wishing for.
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I am hoping, cause i think he just might be. It is scary how many different way the media think we are going, they say anybody from smith to rolle to caddy and from pick #2 to #20, this is going to be fun.
brparkway said:
Let's hope that Saban really is the Evil Genius we're wishing for.
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Peter King just called him communist Russia!:D
they also just had Vic Carriuci of and he said even if Miami can't trade down he said Saban has a rare oppurtunity to get his franchise QB, and he thinks that Saban will take either Smith or Rodgers.
Shifty187 said:
Peter King just called him communist Russia!:D

I hate King! He does not report anything he conjures up rumors to get special attention from teams. Take anything he says for what it is...bull ****!
ChambersWI said:
they also just had Vic Carriuci of and he said even if Miami can't trade down he said Saban has a rare oppurtunity to get his franchise QB, and he thinks that Saban will take either Smith or Rodgers.

even with all the qb rumors I just get the feeling that Saban won't want his "legacy" to be defined by what his QB pick at #2 overall does or doesn't do. A high QB bust has gotten many a coach and/or GM fired.

If he passes on a QB at #2 and Feeley wins the job....if the team (offense) plays poorly he can blame it on the QB he DIDN'T trade a 2nd rounder for and the guy who traded for him. This makes him safe in that regard. Taking Walter or the like in the 3rd or 4th relieves that pressure from both the coach and the QB. ANY QB taken in the 1st round is expected to preform taken #2 overall must "excell" year 2 at the latest. Look at harrington (who I never liked anyway). Add to that....Big Ben raised the bar for all top 15 picked QBs by what he helped Pitt do this last year.

But once again...I have no idea.
I have flip flopped so many times. First I was set on trading down, then, I was all for Ronnie brown, then Smith, and now Edwards. I don't know what I want. All I know is that come Saturday, I am gonna be glued to the TV.
Samphin said:
I have flip flopped so many times. First I was set on trading down, then, I was all for Ronnie brown, then Smith, and now Edwards. I don't know what I want. All I know is that come Saturday, I am gonna be glued to the TV.

That's the way I've been too. Basically, I trust Saban. I'm all for doing whatever benefits us most long-term, be it trading down or taking the BPA. If he can get a great deal in a trade-down scenario (like Tampa's 1st, 2nd and 3rd or Minnesota's 2 firsts), than make the deal. Whatever the better option presented to Saban is, I have confidence he'll make the right call. If you put an absolute gun to my head on who I'd want to pick at 2, it would probably be Edwards. I wouldn't mind at all picking up the consensus best player in the draft.
I have not taken a liking to Adam Shefter even though he may be right on this one. He seems to run with everything he hears and brags as if it were total truth. He was the one that said that KC/Surtain was going to happen any day now (two weeks ago) and then two days later said it may not happen now..........Not good. Anyways, what Peter King said runs against everything else your hearing and that is that Minny will not trade there #18 pick.
I think the Fins are going to draft Braylon Edwards. Noone has mentioned that we would take Edwards and I think it is highly possible now that SF is playing this game. If Saban really wants to trade down, he would just get Edwards.
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