Adelphia Has NFL Network | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Adelphia Has NFL Network


Pro Bowler
Jul 31, 2002
Reaction score
Palm Beach
Just a heads up. I noticed Adelphia was broadcasting the NFL Network on one of the Public Access channels. I imagine this is a test run.

They were talking Ricky and Brown, but nothing new really.
PhinKev said:
Just a heads up. I noticed Adelphia was broadcasting the NFL Network on one of the Public Access channels. I imagine this is a test run.

They were talking Ricky and Brown, but nothing new really.

That would be great news, as we're tied to Adelphia hook, line and sinker (TV.PC & Tele)
I wouldn't subscribe to Adelphia if they threw in the porn channels for free....they keep raising the rates and nickle and diming you....NO THANKS.
I have Adelphia and they have had NFL Network in Ca for over a year. It was great during the combine.
MelbournePhin said:
i hate brighthouse networks

Tell me about it.

I cough up $155 a month to Brighthouse. But I still dont have the NFL Network.

Im getting Direct TV as soon as they run a special on Sunday Ticket.
HVACservice said:
Tell me about it.

I cough up $155 a month to Brighthouse. But I still dont have the NFL Network.

Im getting Direct TV as soon as they run a special on Sunday Ticket.

Ouch. You're paying for premium channels though right? Even that sounds expensive.

As a new subscriber you could find a good deal for the NFL ticket with DTV. Just keep an eye out for it.
byroan said:
Ouch. You're paying for premium channels though right? Even that sounds expensive.

As a new subscriber you could find a good deal for the NFL ticket with DTV. Just keep an eye out for it.

can we hook up to the sunday ticket in the UK Byroan
PhinKev said:
Just a heads up. I noticed Adelphia was broadcasting the NFL Network on one of the Public Access channels. I imagine this is a test run.

They were talking Ricky and Brown, but nothing new really.

Yaaaay!!!! I've been calling and e-mailing and calling and e-mailing and calling get the picture.

'Bout friggin time!!!
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