This article was from August 1st in the North County Times. Here is a response from a reader in today's paper.
"Cleo Lemon swap for Feeley was a bone head move. Lemon already knew the system and was an excellant QB propect as well. The Dolphins really saw us coming. Feeley is at best mediocre, and that's when he's on his game. On an off day, it's a painful experience to watch."
Just thought I would share this.:wink:
This article was from August 1st in the North County Times. Here is a response from a reader in today's paper.
"Cleo Lemon swap for Feeley was a bone head move. Lemon already knew the system and was an excellant QB propect as well. The Dolphins really saw us coming. Feeley is at best mediocre, and that's when he's on his game. On an off day, it's a painful experience to watch."
Just thought I would share this.:wink: