Al Davis...DEAD?! | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Al Davis...DEAD?!

Rip Al....One thing I can say about Davis is that he at least gave his fans a show each and every sunday
He's gonna respawn within 24 hours IMO.

and when he does, please get that man a dermatologist...

To be very honest I never really liked Davis. We all know how crazy he was and I always hated many of his more recent moves. But that being said I know how to give credit where credit is due. Davis is a pioneer of the NFL and his contributions to the game are some of the reasons as to why the game is as great as it is today. Rest in Peace. Thank you for making the NFL so great.. Hopefully Goddell wont destroy what you helped create
I seriously thought the guy had figured out how to live forever.

While I agree the man did great things for the NFL when he was younger. But with him gone the Raiders might actually be able accomplish something without him thinking it is still the 70's. Because let's face it, his decisions in recent years have held that team back.
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The NFL lost a true legend today.

As crazy as the guy was, you could never question his desire to win. He was an innovator, he wasn't afraid to stick it up people's ***** to get what he wanted.

RIP Al Davis, you will be missed.
R.I.P. To one of the game's true legends. The game may have passed him by the past few years, but you can't talk NFL history without mentioning Al Davis and some of those great Raider teams of the 70s and 80s.
I was glad the Raiders won today.

Truly am shocked that he finally died though. As many other have said, I truly thought he would live forever.

RIP Al Davis
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