Alston acting like the T.O. of NBA | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Alston acting like the T.O. of NBA


FinHeaven Elite
Jul 30, 2004
Reaction score
Huntsville, AL
Alston isn't helping the Magic in these Finals. Jameer Nelson took much of his usual playing time in Games 1 and 2, and Alston was unhappy. He complained about it publicly after Game 1, and his body language in Game 2 suggested he still wasn't pleased.
There is no bigger red flag in sports than an individual who thinks only of himself while participating in a championship series.

But the fault here lies with the Magic. When Nelson went down with a shoulder injury, the Magic needed a replacement. So it took a chance on Alston, who has a few pockmarks on his resume. Good decision up until now. Bad decision now.
He showed some of that while down here with the heat. he sucks anyways. If he were as good as he thinks he is, he would keep his mouth quiet and help the team win
The thing is, he is right. It has worked this far into the playoffs, why change things now? I'm a big fan of Jameer, but he got too much playing time in game one. It throws off the rhythm of the whole team. He doesn't run the offense as well as Nelson, but he runs the offense and this team is used to his style of play now.
The thing is, he is right. It has worked this far into the playoffs, why change things now? I'm a big fan of Jameer, but he got too much playing time in game one. It throws off the rhythm of the whole team. He doesn't run the offense as well as Nelson, but he runs the offense and this team is used to his style of play now.
Agreed. Alston and Johnson we're playing great. It worked to get them into the finals, so why change it?
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