Alternative to the ignore function... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Alternative to the ignore function...


Its what you know for sure... that just aint so...
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Jan 22, 2008
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I spot alot of little battles between posters lately which always leads to off topic personal attacks, which in turn inevitably gets the attention of a mod and requires them to step in and give warnings. It always ends up getting settled and most of the time the ignore function is presented as reasonable solution. And it really is but the ignore function has its flaws as you wont get to see a thread that someone you ignore posted. Sounds great but you'll often miss out on good content in threads which were started by someone you ignored.

The ignore function also doesnt completely erase posts from people you ignore, you still see that they posted but you cant see what they posted. So when you see a good post as a reply to what someone you ignored posted, kinda feels like watching a presser when a player anwsers a question to Omar, you really dont give a **** about what Omar thinks but you'd still like to know what he asked.

IMO the problem isnt the ignore function as much as how we deal with so many differing opinions from fanatics... Yes we're all fanatics.

What you can do instead is use another feature on this site where you wont miss anything but will be able to be pointed in the direction of posters you get along with. All you need to do is click the follow button on any poster you feel you can have a good discussion with regardless of if they agree or not. Then when you get on FH, click on whats new in the top bar and then select the "Your news feed" option. You'll then get a list of all the topics the people you get along with either commented or reacted on. Easy game.

Late at night when you've got a couple of beers in and looking for a fight, all those ****ers will be available to you to fight with if thats what you really want on the main. I've started using this setup lately and its alot easier for me to actually get to the conversations Im looking for quickly as opposed to the ignore function.
I spot alot of little battles between posters lately which always leads to off topic personal attacks, which in turn inevitably gets the attention of a mod and requires them to step in and give warnings. It always ends up getting settled and most of the time the ignore function is presented as reasonable solution. And it really is but the ignore function has its flaws as you wont get to see a thread that someone you ignore posted. Sounds great but you'll often miss out on good content in threads which were started by someone you ignored.

The ignore function also doesnt completely erase posts from people you ignore, you still see that they posted but you cant see what they posted. So when you see a good post as a reply to what someone you ignored posted, kinda feels like watching a presser when a player anwsers a question to Omar, you really dont give a **** about what Omar thinks but you'd still like to know what he asked.

IMO the problem isnt the ignore function as much as how we deal with so many differing opinions from fanatics... Yes we're all fanatics.

What you can do instead is use another feature on this site where you wont miss anything but will be able to be pointed in the direction of posters you get along with. All you need to do is click the follow button on any poster you feel you can have a good discussion with regardless of if they agree or not. Then when you get on FH, click on whats new in the top bar and then select the "Your news feed" option. You'll then get a list of all the topics the people you get along with either commented or reacted on. Easy game.

Late at night when you've got a couple of beers in and looking for a fight, all those ****ers will be available to you to fight with if thats what you really want on the main. I've started using this setup lately and its alot easier for me to actually get to the conversations Im looking for quickly as opposed to the ignore function.
Can I use this feature to delete all of the Desean Watson threads?
Just checked the Finheaven rulebook and says the tiebreaker for all disagreements is determined by the alphabetical order of the members first name going from A to Z.

Honestly, I have used ignore on a few members, 40 or 50, who repeatedly attack the posters and not the posts and it has become a much more friendly place.
I have a few people on ignore that I tried many times to have a mature discussion with but in the end these discussions went no where. While I always try to see the other posters point of view, whether we agree or not. The few posters I have chosen to ignore just weren’t worth my time on this forum.

While I imagine that by ignoring these few posters I might be missing out on a comment that is insightful from time to time.I would rather miss out on some information while not having to deal with those individuals. I have no doubt they probably feel the same way about me.

There are many posters over the time I have been on here which I have had discussions with in which we were on complete opposite sides of a discussion. Yet the vast majority of posters on here are mature enough get over any disagreements we might have. For those few who just want to argue for argument sake while refusing to accept someone has a different opinion than they do, I think the ignore button is a great option for those posters.
"A few"...."40 or 50"....WHEW! Adam ain't playing around lol.
Wow, I think I have placed 4 people on ignore and 3 of them were individuals that I placed on ignore when there was still a political comment section on the forum. I thought 4 was a lot of people. If I put 40 or 50 people on ignore there would be no reason for me to even comment on this forum because I don’t even think I respond to that many posters on the forum right now.
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