America's New Favorite Team( 1 Down 18 To Go) 19-0 BABY! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

America's New Favorite Team( 1 Down 18 To Go) 19-0 BABY!


We Are Still Going To The SB
May 24, 2002
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America's New Favorite Team( 2 Down 17 To Go) 19-0 BABY!

I saw this coming since the hiring of N. Turner. Trust me when I say this: We are going to lead the league in offense this year. We have too much weapons for N. Turner to play with. R. Williams, R. Edwards, C. Chambers. Oronde, Randy, Rob, Minor, Ward, Mc Knight, Clark, Weaver Dyer. Just look at how deep we at QB for god sake. Dave and Rick are AMAZING. I mean we score 49 pts with not even utilizing our whole O yet. It's one down and 18 to go..Here's to 19-0 BABY..Guaranteed that by week 8 or so everyone is going to be talking about us. People The Miami Dolphins are going to be America's favorite team..
Ya know

I'm done callin' peoples predictions crazy after yesterday.


GO PHINS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What happens when we have a bad game..will you guys still be with the ship..I want Miami to get a first round bye and play in the SB..If they don't go undefeated it won't bother me..if they do..what a way to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the the 17-0 team.
Which was your post 305...the thing above the line, or the thing below it? ;)
Norv Turner is the biggest aquisition you guys made. He's better than Dave. For as long as you guys have Fiedler you can forget about the SB , all the more a perfect record.
we will not lead the league in offense. The Lions sucked. As much as Norv will greatly help our O, the talent is not anywhere near the Rams. We have a #1 HB and a #1 WR. We have a lot of solid WRs but none other than CC that will ever be invited to Hawaii and we have a FB who may. We have a up and coming rookie TE. Lastly, Jay is good but is not great. The thing we do have in 2002 is decent depth except on the OL. I just cannot get excitied like I did when we beat Tenn. last year and Tenn was a really good team in 2000. If we go 3-0, your bet your behind, I will be :jumper:
Originally posted by CRAZYDOLFAN305
I saw this coming since the hiring of N. Turner. Trust me when I say this: We are going to lead the league in offense this year. We have too much weapons for N. Turner to play with. R. Williams, R. Edwards, C. Chambers. Oronde, Randy, Rob, Minor, Ward, Mc Knight, Clark, Weaver Dyer. Just look at how deep we at QB for god sake. Dave and Rick are AMAZING. I mean we score 49 pts with not even utilizing our whole O yet. It's one down and 18 to go..Here's to 19-0 BABY..Guaranteed that by week 8 or so everyone is going to be talking about us. People The Miami Dolphins are going to be America's favorite team..

undefeated !!!!!!!!!! give me the stuff that you are smoking down there in Miami GET REAL with the schedule that you have and your saying that you are going to be undefeated

granted you beat up on a team that you should have beat..
but it was the Lions folks the Lions ....

see you on the 22nd of Sept...
Hey, jusat fan you're talking about the Jay Fiedler that is second in the league with a 23-10 record. Soon to past K. Warner for first place. The same J. Fiedler that is second in the league in QB rating after first week. The same J. Fiedler that has whooped the bills ass everytime he plays them. The same J. Fiedler that has a 4-0 record against The Bills with a QB rating of 117. What you really meant to say is that the Bills will not win a SuperBowl with that dynosaurs as your QB. I can't wait to laugh at you boy. Here's to 19-0 BABY..
Re: Re: America's New Favorite Team( 1 Down 18 To Go) 19-0 BABY!

nyrican as of now all I care about is that was are undefeated after Sept 15th, but especially that we are 3-0 after Sept 22nd :evil:
Your long and miserable winning streak over us will come to an end once and for all. This season we will start our own over you ;)
look guys...c'mon...I am happy...but be realistic...I am excited...but again... be realistic....LETS beat the COLTS and then satrt talkin...lerts beat the Titans, and JEts....and then we'll talk...Just don't get overly excited about sunday's game if we played the worst team we ar going to play this year...CHILL...ENJOY the WIN.... BUT THink about the COLTS now...and the JETS..and everyone else! Go PHINS!
I am being realistic. However you pessimists have to get pumped up a little more. This IS the best Miami team fielded since 1994. This is something to be excited about.
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